Good Carb Sources f...
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Good Carb Sources for Refeeds

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What are good carb sources for refeeds??

I was thinking along the lines of potatos, rice, vegetables, etc.. Or am I completely off base? I'd appreciate it if you could please list some examples for me of what the best carb sources for refeeds would be..

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From what I understand dextrose is the most optimal carb source for refeeds, however anything low-fat and high in carbs will do fine.


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I just skimmed the section in Body Opus about Duchaine's carb. up period called recomposition and he recommends that the first few meals be simple sugars or glucose polymers then move towards high-glycemic carb. choices. As soon as I finish it, I'll post more in the glycogen supercompensation thread.

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so complex carbs would be a bad choice then? what about pizza?

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Posted by: @RockECU
so complex carbs would be a bad choice then?  what about pizza?

So far, from what I've looked at for glycogen supercompensation, complex carb.s are only useful one you are drawing closer to the end of your carb. up window. They will slow down the process if you have them too soon as you want to keep insulin levels high to drive glucose and nutrients into the muscle. Pizza is never good, because the fat slows down digestion and blunts insulin. This is all from a glycogen supercompensation perspective though. For leptin, it would be OK.

Edit - Beat me to the punch, Dante!

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Rock, do you have Papa Murphy's Take N Bake Pizza in NC? They make a Chicken and Artichoke pizza with low fat white alfredo sauce and low fat cheese. Heaven!

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Posted by: @Dante
You want to utilize the sources of Carbs that will elevate Insulin, so that is why high-glycemic carb sources are used. Pizza is not bad, but the fat content can blunt the Insulin, and upon doing refeeds the fat should be low, the protein low-moderate, and the carbs should be high. If you were to have Pizza, it would be best to use it sparingly.

Dante, you have just crushed my whole Refeed days Ican't survive without having at least 4 slices of pizza. That is all I do man....I stay good after that.

What about Spagetti? Is that better?

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Posted by: @bpdaddy
What about Spagetti?  Is that better?

Yes, just keep the fats out. No cheese, no sausage, ... you get the idea.

You can make a simple foccacia even.

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Posted by: @Sabercat
Rock, do you have Papa Murphy's Take N Bake Pizza in NC? They make a Chicken and Artichoke pizza with low fat white alfredo sauce and low fat cheese. Heaven!

frozen pizza? i'd have to check...

darn... i didn't know ice cream/fat free milk products would be a better idea than potatos/rice/etc... awesome... cinnamon life, here I come!

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Posted by: @RockECU
[frozen pizza? i'd have to check...

No, its a real pizza parlour. They are take out only, you have to bake it at home. The have normal pizza and then a bodybuilder / granola-geek friendly menu.

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nope ... sure don't have those, or at least i've never heard of them...

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Rock, whats going on bud?

When my refeeds are short (like 12 hours) i pretty much eat all simple carbs except for last meal of the night.

When i do more moderate longer refeeds( 1-2 days) i will mix in simple w/ complex carbs or just eat simple one day and complex in the second day.

Rice and potatoes are still good choices for refeeding but simple carbs are ideal. The only things i would avoid on refeed days are veggies( because of the high fiber content) and extremely high fat carb choices. You can get away eating some pizza, i just wouldnt reccomend it for 5 out of 6 of the meals in refeed days. Or you can just use fat free cheese and make your own.

Shoot me an e-mail if you want an example of some food choices i used bro.

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It's about damn time you dragged your ass over here!! j/k!! Glad to see you over here man.. The interaction/info on this board is great! (which is a definite understatement).. You'll be an awesome addition to the board man.. Glad you stopped by..

Anyway, I think I'll shoot you an e-mail rather soon regarding refeeds.. as I know we're of similar stature and such.. so we would probably have similar results/etc... I'll get an e-mail too you as soon as I can.. Even though I'm pretty busy with trying to write articles, in process of possibly attaining a volunteer position at my schools new strength and conditioning center so I can begin to get experience in S&CC, organic chem/physics class, and July 4th coming up, I'll try to get one out to you as soon as I can..

Again, I'm glad you stopped by..

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What about popcorn. I have lowfat popcorn but i'm not really sure the type of carbohydrates in popcorn. I like it b/c it fills me up but i'm not sure what the carbs are.

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Not sure if popcorn would be good for refeeding, im sure Par could shed some light on that one. I would think corn is the main carb in popcorn but i never really eat the stuff so im not sure what else is in the boxed kind you get at the store.

Rock- Yes. This board is great and offers alot of knowledge w/ out all the flames or putdowns that surrounds many other boards. I really have to tip my hat off to the mods and say thanks for having this as a non pay-site.

I look forward to being around here as well as the other boards i visit regularly more now since i wont be traveling as much for the time being.

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