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foods to avoid

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what are the most common foods i should avoid to slim down a bit

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Carbs in large quantities at one sitting..... all high glycemic carbs, such as pasta, white rice, white potatoes, white bread, sugar, soft drinks, ho-ho's, twinkies, Keibler fudge stripes, snickers, reese's peices, m&m's, well...... you get the picture..... lol.... Also, combine carbs and protein at each of your 5 to 8 small meals, so it keeps the insulin reaction to a minimum... you want to keep your insulin as level as possible, so fat burning continues....

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NoooOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Not Ho-Ho's Toooo!!!


basically, if you ate it when you gained the weight... don't eat it now. 😀

NO CARRIER // I want a hoehoe... 😀

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I thought pasta was had a moderate glycemic index. I thought I had looked at a glycemic index chart and it was rated around 50 or 55 out of 100.

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I would also avoid carbs at night. The last meals with carbs should be your post- workout meal or dinner which ever is last.

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Originally posted by jdubs952
The combination of High Glycemic carbs and fats is killer:

Think of it this way: Crudely: insulin instrcuts whatever is in the blood to GET IN the cells, which includes sugars (when blood sugar gets too high) and fats ....fat goes right into the the combo is lethal....!

Plus, our bodies are designed around the natural world, god bless evolution: where in nature do you find Sugars and Fats?!
ponder that

uhhh... actually there are tons of naturally occuring fats and sugars in nature... for example any type of nut, avocado, fruits, beef, pork, etc. etc. etc.

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uhhh... actually there are tons of naturally occuring fats and sugars in nature... for example any type of nut, avocado, fruits, beef, pork, etc. etc. etc.

Ok, let's say you were kidding about PORK (fat/pro) and BEEF(fat/pro) and FRUITS(carbs)...
but i'll give you the nut explanation: from an evolutionary you realize how small nuts are? how much energy they take to round up? If i was walking through the jungle and I saw an animal that couldn't keep up with the pack vs. lil tiny nuts that i would have to expend lots of energy and time to obtain...evolutionary anthropology is some interesting when we found our nitch and our genetic inforation and our genome are solidified, our bodies developed certain feedback systems based upon what food source would be abundant and BIG enough for an animal of our size (ie: glycolysis...insulin, etc) and fat and high glycemic food are not meant to be eaten for our species, it throughs our bodies for a loop, they didnt evolve eating sugar and fat, it was either: fat/pro or carbs. Homo erectus didn't cook, he didnt "beer batter", he didnt bake bread and throw some meat on it...he either ate plants or meat at different times based upon what he got his hands on...

AND for god's sake, you cannot think that pork and beef are high on the glycemic index...nor can you think that fruit is LOADED w/ fat?!?!?!? otherwise, you should still be in darwin's waiting room 🙂

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jeez, i just read your profile, you are a student in exercise science....good thing i didn't go down south for my education....

Not a flame, just amazing at how many people in our field don't know very much....that's why, for me, its time to get my Ph.D. (guys, i didnt want that to rhyme honestly)

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jdubs- you stated "where in nature do you find sugars and fat" and I just listed foods that were either naturally high in fat or naturally high in sugar, not both, I misread your question... don't be so quick to judge either, I don't make inferences about people after reading 1 post... I don't feel I have to prove my iintellect to you either.

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btw... don't tell me you're not trying to flame me, when you insult my intelligence.

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phew, I'm just you misread the post......had me worried

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Originally posted by jdubs952
The combination of High Glycemic carbs and fats is killer:

Think of it this way: Crudely: insulin instrcuts whatever is in the blood to GET IN the cells, which includes sugars (when blood sugar gets too high) and fats ....fat goes right into the the combo is lethal....!

Plus, our bodies are designed around the natural world, god bless evolution: where in nature do you find Sugars and Fats?!
ponder that

I find sugar in sugar cane and fruits. And fats in animal meat.

And as humans, there is evidence of slaughtering animals and COOKING the meat going back 1.5 million years, first evidence of this is found in Africa. Then 500,000 years ago humans spread to Asia and and Europe, using fire to cook food, keep warm, and scare animals away. That's a long time in terms of human evolution.. we are a fairly new species.

Sugar being eaten in fruits.. do I really need to go into this as well?

My question to you is -- what did you think the natural world gave us in terms of nutrition?


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I think another major reason the United States and various parts of the world (Great Britain, etc.) are overwhelmingly obese is one part due to nutrition, but IMO mostly due to a sedentary lifestyle, our society today is all about expending as little energy as possible (internet, phones, computers, TV, radio). Back in ancient times, most individuals were required to hunt and kill their food n order to survive, and be active... today we can just go to through the local drive-thru for an easy meal... also, physiologically if your body is in a negative caloric balance no matter what you eat (fats/sugars/protein) is first going to be used for energy and then stored as glycogen and then stored as fat...

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Anything with the words: sauteed, fried, batter-dipped.......especially CHINEASE food.........lots of hidden fat in those dishes.

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LMAO..... Nikki..... Hidden fat in the Chinese food? They don't hide the fat, they hide the mystery meat WITH the fat.... LOL.....
