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I find my workouts are wearing me out. I am in the gym working my ass off and have little or no energy left when I am finished. I.E. I may want to work chest and shoulders, but am too damn tired to get a good shoulder workout in. I have cut back alot in carbs in the evening hours and am not sure if this is why. I have lost 2% of body fat and a total of 5 lbs. Going the wrong way, cause I want to put the pounds on. But I am putting on more muscle while loosing the fat. Obviously I can't put on the mass in weight as fast as I can burn the fat, but how can I avoid the fatigue in the gym?

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Ever try a ephedrine based supp, such as Adipo Kinetix by Syntrax?? or Xenadrine or Thermadrene?? all good stuff to get you going.. Also- you need to increase your GPP or rather, general physical preparedness, in other words, get in shape so you can make it through a workout, and not tire out. try picking up the pace of your workout a little , shorter r4st periods, etc......

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Friend, I am not sure as to why you are seeking to eliminate carbs from your diet, if you are on a building cycle you need them for fuel in the gas tank. I would also suggest that you begin working out on Mon/Tue/Thu/Fri using the same workout on Mon & Thu and the same one on Tue & Fri. I would further suggest that you forget about training your shoulders and chest on the same day, it is too taxing because if you work the crap out your chest then you shoulders are already taxed to death. Trying to work them any further would only serve to over-train them and then get diminishing returns... that is why your weight is turning around the other way. I would also suggest that you look at your diet. You should be consuming food every two hours on a building cycle. I would say you should eat protein at every meal and snack. You eating times ought to be roughly the following:
Meal: 8:00
Whatever you do at this point, don't eliminate the carbs from your diet, you need them because they are the preferred fuel of your body and without them you are bound to crash energy wise. Your body doesn't not process proteins for energy, carbs are for that. The only thing I can say relative to carbs is, be careful of the amount that you ingest because it will eventuate in the accumulation of unsightly bodyfat.
Happy lifting and good growing!

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Thanks for the response. I just posted a new thread and finally figured out why I was so damn tired half way through my workout. My body does not respond well with the prop in sust 250. I felt like I was sick all the time and still tried to get the workouts in. Couldn't do it. Now I have been off cycle for almost a month now and I feel great. my appetite is back and I am eating every three hours ( even the 3 am shake). My workouts have really intensified over the past couple of weeks. I did finish my cycle early, but ended it with some Nolvadex and clen to reduce the crash. Thanks for the info. Any constructive critisizm is accepted.

Eminent Member
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 21

I totally agree with the not elimating carbs and taking some sort of thermogenic supplement, even take just pure ephedrine (12 mg capsule) about 45 min before u train, and that should help out a bit
