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Sure, fine, do it the smart way.

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Posted by: @kimboinatl
Several places offer whole egg powder or egg yolk powder - wonder if that would work mixed as a shake?  Not that I don't like eggs, I love them... just looking at it from a convenience standpoint.

I had considered this, but I ultimately decided against it on the basis of cost. The cheapest I've seen egg protien for is ~$25 for 2lbs. We need 1/2 pound of egg yolk per day, so this is roughly $6 per day. This assumes that all of the fat from the yolks is kept in the protein powder, but I highly doubt that is the case; this would necessitate even more consumption of the powder to get the AA and DHA we are looking for. I couldn't find any egg yolk powder with a google search, but I imagine it has that same thing going against it.

If someone had the money, and were looking for convenience, they could try X-factor + DHA pills (without EPA) and see if it works any better than X-factor. This would cost a great deal more than the eggs, which run roughly $1 per day (60 eggs for $4+tax at wholesale stores!) and replace the costs of some amount of food in your diet, since they do have substantial caloric value.

What about this?

Protein Factory egg yolk powder

Granted, it's PF ... but it's only $4.39/lb. I figure based on fat content 45g would be equivalent to 6 eggs. That's about 10 servings per lb, so about $.44 a serving...

Are there any other sources besides Protein factory? For all we know that could be dog food packaged as egg yolk. If theres a reputable supplier, you may have just found something making this at least twice as easy... very good find.

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Bump. Curious as to how this has turned out.

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Posted by: @kimboinatl
Bump. Curious as to how this has turned out.

If you mean the experiences of myself and my friend... there was no conclusive outcome. I went to England, and still make it a point to eat 5-6 whole eggs pre-workout, but I am testing a stack (Melting Point + Basic Cuts) that would interfere with any further results we could draw here. As for my friend, he is back at college, but I doubt he is still continuing to eat a dozen eggs pre-workout via theft from the salad bar... I'll ask him about the last week or so of his experiences the next time I catch him online.

I think this is still worth exploring, and I plan to try something like this again over the summer when I'm back in the US. I do feel that Phosphate Bond's musings should be read and understood if one were to go through with this... he is learning (and explaining to the forum) a lot more about AA, EPA, DHA and their interactions than he did when I first made this thread. This may tell us whether or not fish oil should be supplied concurrently with the AA, intermittantly (i.e. on off days, or away from workouts), or not at all.

Velikimajmun: I did try for about half an hour to find the alpina oil on google via all sorts of keywords and came up with nothing. There were companies selling to baby formula manufacturers, but you needed some kind of license to buy the stuff for some reason, if I remember correctly.

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Posted by: @trouble
I can verify personally the production of arachadonates from two sources:

soy nut butter and hazelnut macadamia nut spreads.

Holy shit. Let's say that I have a propensity towards reduced control of arachadonate production when the precursor is present from dietary sources.

These sources, even in modest single servings, when used over a period of days, resulted in elevated production of exactly the arachadonic acid and its metabolites - even when EPA and DHA were present in the diet.

And yeah, I don't have much difficulty putting on muscle mass.

Sorry I just saw this... yeah... thanks for providing an excuse to eat Nutella (100% sugar chocolate hazelnut spread).

just kidding.

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If I may parody Dressagerulz:

Nutella is the BEST FUCKING SUPPLEMENT in the world!!

(only half kidding - very addictive, worse than natty p-nut butter)

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Posted by: @lordshockspeare
"Nutella is the BEST FUCKING SUPPLEMENT in the world!!"

I agree its really hard to resist, its going to be even harder now that I know it might have some good to it.

Back to the original poster, I was wondering if you have any further results from the egg experiment?

For a couple days IŽve been eating about a dozen eggs a day. I will try to keep track of bodycomp changes. The main thing I have notice is an increase of soreness, (DOMS) often associated with x-factor.
The main reason for the egg consumption is economics and convenience, its very easy to boil a dozen eggs and be set for a couple portable meals.

my new "diet" brings back memories of a paul neuman movie where he eats 50 hard boiled eggs!
It was a great movie and a great scene!

Maybe IŽll even start an egg-factor log!

that would be nice. there are no further results from me and my friend, as I am in england and on other supplements (and had mono), and the other guy apparently has been rushing a fraternity all semester so I haven't even seen him online.

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For alternate sources: s'

It appears that farmed Atlatic Salmon is amazingly high in respective AA content. 1.152 g/100 g fish.

I also checked here: USDA Nutritional Database
Found out similar data. About 5 oz. farmed, Atlantic Salmon will give you 1 gram AA, as it has about .21 g/oz of fish.

The data from the same website shows that about 10 Jumbo Egg Yolk equals about 1 gram AA.

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This is the really good link:

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i just ordered some powdered eggs. I'll be using this with either egg white powder or whey in my shakes (2 shakes a day). I'm doing this mainly because of concerns with whey and insulin, which Trouble has mentioned several times. But if I notice anything additional I'll be sure to post it here.

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Posted by: @cuponoodles
For alternate sources: s'

It appears that farmed Atlatic Salmon is amazingly high in respective AA content. 1.152 g/100 g fish.

I also checked here: USDA Nutritional Database
Found out similar data. About 5 oz. farmed, Atlantic Salmon will give you 1 gram AA, as it has about .21 g/oz of fish.

The data from the same website shows that about 10 Jumbo Egg Yolk equals about 1 gram AA.

I don't think the salmon would be a good choice as the EPA in the salmon might negate any effects from the AA.

As an aside, I just finished up with a cycle of X-Factor and must say I am quite pleased with the results.

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I've got the whole egg powder now, which I'm using mixed with egg white powder for my protein shakes. Extremely nasty tasting, by the way - I will definitely mix the egg in with micellar casein and/or WPC in the future. Anyway, guess we'll see how it goes. If I notice any huge changes I'll be sure to report back.

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Posted by: @Sub7
Other than being cheaper, is there any other reason people go the egg yolk route?

DHA. Read the beginning of the thread.

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