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Drinking Question (Suggestions Please)

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Ok....so I was drinking beer for alittle while (every weekend...Friday and Saturday) well I still drink then usually....but I was thinking if I drank whiskey would I be ok....as far as gaining fat and alot of shitty calories?

Any suggestions?!

Thanks Bros -


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Yes, you must be referring to the "diet whiskey"..... What is it called again? oh yes, Whiskey One, bottle by the Pepsi Cola Bottleing company for Jack Daniels....

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stay away from the whiskey, if youre gonna drink, drink clear liquor like vodka or gin with clear diet soday. the darker liquors will cause the most fat gain and hangovers.

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If you are going to drink...If you can stand it, try mixing ur booze with a diet soft drink, that alone will cut down on the calories. I find personally (to be honest, i maybe drink once or twice a year, and even then its only a few) that after i have my last drink of the night...I try to drink about a liter of water, i find it really helps me the next morning, CHEERS!!!

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Thanks Bros - Appreciate the feedback.

Damn I posted a question and I figured I would at least get more responses then three....what the hell

I know others on this board drink every weekend....so what else is a possibility?? We have Jack...which I was drinking for awhile....and now the winner is vodka -
But I will do my best with it.....thanks again.....keeping coming people.


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wish I found the post earlier. 😀 ... good suggestions from all the guys. drinking with carbonated water is prolly the best thing to mix with if you're going to mix with anything. The best thing to do, like everything in life --- is to take it in moderation. If you're going to drink no matter what, just don't over do it... and know in advance that you'll be paying for it later in the gym. 😀

- NC // i drink... water.

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Fuck if your worried about the cals....screw the soft drinks and just hit it staight from the bottle......or just load up a glass with 3/4 of your favorite frink and just a splash of soda......this will give ya less cals........

na just messing with ya bro...........if I am trying to cut up or wathc the cal intake, I just won't drink....it doesn't fit into my scheme of things....I would rather use them calories with something that has substance to it

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Well I drank vodka and diet mountain dew this weekend...not to sure if I will drink vodka again...think it makes me mad...:D

But I only had 2 beers...not bad at all...

Thanks Bros for the feedback -


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I'm with BigJim on this one if your going to drink take it down straight and be a reall man.. As for extra calories your goign to get them anyways so why don't you just stick to what you like....Besides if you were that hard core about your diet then you would simply stay away from alcohol when your trying to cut up. Try drinking on the days of yoru training so that you have that rest day to take it easy from the hangover.

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Look - drinking with a diet sode mix or straight does not consist of being a man first off...but I know what your saying....I also feel like standing up for awhile during the night and not just getting plowed and passing out. But I figure the cals from most liquors are not going to be much cals though right? And also liquors (unless your drinking some sweet shit) isn't going to add any fat as well right?? Well does anyone have any good voicing on this?



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1 litre of Regular Beer: 412 Calories
1 litre of Light Beer: 8 Calories
1 litre of Vodka: 2171 Calories (80 proof)
1 litre of Whiskey: 2350 Calories (86 proof)

I'm not sure if you'd down a litre of alcy on the weekend.. (more / less?) ... but look at the Vodka and Whiskey... lots of calories, but NOTHING ELSE... except maybe like 7g of Sodium, everything else is at 0g. It's just empty calories... go straight to the ol' gut.

Take Care,


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What did you look that up on the web or something?? But I know light beer even has like 105 cals in it, and thats just one normal bottle that comes in a 12 pack. I'll have to do me a search and rescue...a search for a low calorie drunkeness and a rescue for me to be able to get drunk on the weekends:D


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Yep, I searched it a Nutrition calculator... this is the one I used:


I'm surprised at the light beer calories as well... maybe they're talking about the imported stuff from England or something. 😀

Take Care,


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This is for a bud light in a bottle (1)

Information is for 12.0 oz
Nutrition Facts

Amount per serving
Calories 105
Calories from Fat 0
% of Daily value for 2000 kcal
Total Fat 0 g 0 %
Saturated Fat 0 g 0 %
Cholesterol 0 mg 0 %
Sodium 9 mg 0 %
Total Carbohydrate 6 g 2 %
Dietary Fiber 0 g 0 %
Protein 1 g 2 %

Vitamin A 0 % Vitamin C 0 %
Calcium 1 % Iron 0 %

Hey I was thinking - this is the 4th week of my cutting diet and if I used Fri or Sat as my cheat day of the week, that would work right bros??



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Cals are cals...if you don't use them they get stored..........which on a diet is not the idea

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