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Has anyone ever used/owned a Bowflex? I wanted to know if it is as good as they say it is ( Probably not ) Thanks.

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The guy in the commercial built that body with bowflex! But it only works if you have the Fat Trapper, excercise in a bottle, the abdominizer, and use the Jared diet....

Sorry, couldn't resist.....

If you seriously want to grow, free weights are the way to go. Machine's have a place, but good, dense mass comes from hard, heavy free weights!

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Myself it's free weights or no weights at all. rubberbands are for newspapers .:)

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lol at clae1, funny shit, and I agree.

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That's an interesting expression clae.... Rubber bands are for newspapers.... Never heard that before... It's got an interesting ring to it. I can't decide if I like it or if it annoys me.... Weird...

Where did that originate... Did you just make it up or is it a common saying with you? Allow me to physcho analize: were you a paper boy when you were younger? Did your father beat you with a newspaper when you were younger, resulting in your eventual use of gear and hatred for bands of all kinds, rubber and alike... hehe... lol, sorry j/k.... I couldn't resist.. I'm in a messed up mood tonight.

I think I like the saying though... but then there's that part that says... I dunno.

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Oh you guys are all wrong....

Why else would they say
"Go online. Do your own research. Then place your order online."

I can't even type that with a straight face!!

I'll give them one thing they certainly did play the comercial enough to really PI$$ ya off!!!

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CYBERGENICS! Bowflex and cybergenics together will make you HUGE.

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A skinny weasel i know bought one.....
it sits in his basement......

got more dust on it than
Margaret Thatchers


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I have taken a bunch of time check into these "fad" pieces of so-called exercise equipment and have found them to be nothing but "fads". Yes, there a very few that are somewhat useful at best but the majority of them are really just "fads" or "gimmicks" that make the inventor rather wealthy. The gym I go to makes regular purchases of these funky machines. Yes, they do serve a purpose and that is for those folks who have not done any amount of exercise for some time and need something to get them in some degree of shape before embarking on a serious exercise program. For those who have a background in exercising and fitness these apparatus serve to be nothing more than the expending of hard-earned cash for no reason at all. If you want to throw away your money... it is up to you but if you buy one give it to a donut eating, fat-laidened couch-potato who needs to get up off their butt and do something to get in shape, so that they don't have to go to the local gym and have cruel people make fun of them in their spandex shorts. Then again, maybe it is just me.


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Bought one, it sucked, sent it back and bought a pro-style smith machine, will never even look at a bowflex again. It's worthless for adding mass.

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You know I got a story about this one. Jus tthe other day a guy was talking to these other girls in the weight room and said how he wa going to buy this piece of......junk..and put 10 pounds on him. Needless to say he was talking to two of the UGLIEST girls in the place so I let him fly on that one. I gave a tip though when he was done working his mack on the two 'mules'; "DON"T BUY IT! SPEND YOUR MONEY ON A PAIR OF GLASSES!!! "

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LMAO @ yyz

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Originally posted by yyzgeddylee

got more dust on it than
Margaret Thatchers

YYZ [/B]

I think T-Bar dusted it off! hehe :kinky
