any new low carb ge...
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any new low carb gems?

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did you discover any new seasoning, flavouring powder or the like? I know you are on the lookout for things such as these


PS, thanks for inviting me to the Fantasy Football, I won second place. not bad.

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walden farms makes a fudge dip and a marshmellow 0 calorie dip which are quite spectacular. They also make 4 flavors of jelly that are amazing

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I found Atkin's Advantage shakes at the nearest bulk club recently. They're hardly new, but they hit the spot when I need variety, and the fact that the protein is milk protein is nice:

Nutrition Facts

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Posted by: @str8flexed
walden farms makes a fudge dip and a marshmellow 0 calorie dip which are quite spectacular.  They also make 4 flavors of jelly that are amazing

i still do not get how the hell they can make stuff have such volume and thick texture without having calories

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Xanthan Gum.

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I wanted to throw in a vote for the new Diet Vanilla Coke w/ Black Cherry. I definitely welcome it to my fridge.

- Fletch

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Posted by: @Fletch
I wanted to throw in a vote for the new Diet Vanilla Coke w/ Black Cherry. I definitely welcome it to my fridge.

- Fletch

It's quite good.

I also love me some Coke Zero, Peach Citrus Fresca and Cherry Citrus Fresca.

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Posted by: @kimboinatl
Cherry Citrus Fresca.

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Bump to the Walden Farms stuff I use the marshmellow and Chocolate dip along with the spreads. They also have salad dressings etc, ketchup
