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Weight Loss supplements

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I'm a newbie, I didn't even realized that there's this women section for Nutrition and Health until after I post in other forum

Maybe I should post here to get input for loosing weight

I'm female, 5' 0", 115Lbs, 23%BF

Cardio: HIIT
Other: lift weight (Light ones), bench dip for arms, crunches, push ups, yoga once a week

I just been diagnosed and need to take anti-depressant, will be on Lexapro

Regular day diet looks like:
Breakfast is CarbCoundown skim milk with Zero Carb Isopure whey protein powder (1 scoop)
mid morning: 500mg L-Tyrosine
Lunch is usually a banana, yogurt, string cheese, Qsmart granola bar, some protein powder
mid afternoon: 500mg L-Tyrosine
Dinner: salmon teriyaki or salmon sashimi or CarbCoundown skim milk with Zero Carb Isopure whey protein powder plus lunch like menu (banana, yogurt, cheese, etc)
after dinner: at least 2Tbsp Peanut butter (cant help myself)
about 8PM: 500mg-1gr L-Tyrosine
Usually end up with about 1200 calorie per day which is my plan, BUT, when I can't control my stress, I go nuts at night with all the chocolate, and bad carbs like cookies, brownies, etc sad.gif and can hit 3000+ calories (yes, I am sick, probably why the doctor gave me lexapro? )

Current Supplement:
TriCutsIII from SciFit
CLA (3.75gr/day)
FlaxOil (3.6gr/day)
Sesathin (6-8 capsules/day)
Green Tea extract (175 mg EGCG/day)
Multivitamin (One a day weight smart)
Vitamin C (1gr/day)
Vitamin E (200 iu/day)
L-Tyrosine (1-2gr/day)
Hoodia (as needed)
Calcium Pyruvate (9gr/day)

Planning on getting:
Liptigen Rebirth (to suppress my uncontrollable night time appetite)
and from 1fast400: Super EPA (read some good thing about omega 3 and anti depressant)

Anybody want to suggest how much Sesathin/CLA/FlaxOil/Super EPA(now) I should consume per day?

Considering I will be on Lexapro and most diet products put disclaimer regarding consumption while on Rx, I'm looking forward for input with this in mind

Looking forward for input about my supplement dosage. As for exercise, yes I know I need more exercise

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Actually, I want to comment on your diet.

Regular day diet looks like:
Breakfast is CarbCoundown skim milk with Zero Carb Isopure whey protein powder (1 scoop)
mid morning: 500mg L-Tyrosine
Lunch is usually a banana, yogurt, string cheese, Qsmart granola bar, some protein powder
mid afternoon: 500mg L-Tyrosine
Dinner: salmon teriyaki or salmon sashimi or CarbCoundown skim milk with Zero Carb Isopure whey protein powder plus lunch like menu (banana, yogurt, cheese, etc)
after dinner: at least 2Tbsp Peanut butter (cant help myself)
about 8PM: 500mg-1gr L-Tyrosine

1. How much protein are you getting
2. How many carbs?
3. Your carbs are poor choices. You should be having oats, brown rice, fiber cereals, yams etc. Not bananas and granola.
4. I don't see 1200 carbs there at all.
5. You are binging at night because you are not eating enough and your body is starving.
6. No supplement is going to help you unless your diet is in order.
7. Lexapro is going to make you hungrier so you better get your diet good now to fulfill some of the hunger.

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Posted by: @Jodi
Actually, I want to comment on your diet.  

1.  How much protein are you getting
2.  How many carbs? 
3.  Your carbs are poor choices.  You should be having oats, brown rice, fiber cereals, yams etc.  Not bananas and granola. 
4.  I don't see 1200 carbs there at all. 
5.  You are binging at night because you are not eating enough and your body is starving.
6.  No supplement is going to help you unless your diet is in order.
7.  Lexapro is going to make you hungrier so you better get your diet good now to fulfill some of the hunger.

Thanks Jodi

1. I dont know exactly how much protein I get each day as I haven't been keeping track of the protein/carb/fat breakdown but I should get enough cause one serving of my milk and protein powder gives me 51 gr protein and 6 gr carb 240 calories
2. again, I haven't been counting how much exactly my carb consumption, i just try to go for lower choices when i get to choose
3. yeah, I'm always on the run and the granola and banana were just convenience but the granola was not that bad, at least i thought, it's 8 gram carb (3 gr net carb), 11 gr protein, 6 gr fat tho
4. I use come calorie calculator, so I think I've been doing 1200 calories minimum everyday, basically mostly combination of the food I stated but in different amount and yeild over 1200 calories. and then some more when i go nuts at night, then it's waaaayyy over 1200 calories
5. ... is my body still starving after i eat 1200 calories minimum?
6. yeah, i think i need more exercise tho, gotta kick my rear n make myself sweat more often
7. that's why im scared of taking it :'(

Jodi, I'm really looking forward for more input from you, you seems to know much, I saw your input on others' and also from all the other mods/expert members, impressive forum



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Considering I will be on Lexapro and most diet products put disclaimer regarding consumption while on Rx, I'm looking forward for input with this in mind

You're fine with the aforementioned stuff above.

There aren't any contraindications between Lexapro and Leptigen (Rebirth) or Phenogen either. As long as you stay away from stimulants & drugs that alter neurological function, you'll be safe.

Jodi seems to be doing a capable job with the rest (as per usual), so I'll let her handle the diet part...

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Posted by: @Loki
1 tbsp. of flax MAX.  "no mas."

- make sure you are getting 1.5g/day of EPA/DHA from your Super EPA caps.


What does "no mas." mean?

I was told to take minimum of 6gr/day for EPA/DHA ... comment?



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I was told to take minimum of 6gr/day for EPA/DHA ... comment?

Ah yes, the ghost of Berandi continues to haunt the realm of fish oil recommendations. In my honest opinion, that's an unnecessary amount of fish oil. At you're weight and size you need about 6 grams of fish oil total, and much less EPA/DHA. I would not consume more than 3g of EPA/DHA (unless obese, which you very clearly are nowhere close to being), as this becomes significantly anti-anabolic.

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as this becomes significantly anti-anabolic

I googled, used dictionary.com, wikipedia.org, searched the forum, and still don't understand what anti-anabolic means

So I should do 3gr/day for EPA/DHA? I was actually interested to take EPA/DHA as I heard how good it is for anti-depressant, should I stick with 6gr/day given the fact that I'm "chemically imbalanced"? (as opposed to due to being obese)



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Fish oil is higher dosages can be rough on anabolism i.e.getting overly muscular is more difficult with fish oil,at least in theory.

I think the anti-depressent effects along w/nutrient partitioning/improved metabolic rate far outweighs any possible muscle growth that you plausibly could be losing out on.

I use 8 grams epa/dha and haven't noticed any loss in lean muscle and stregth hasn't dropped.

You're not looking to get jacked up and h'yuuuuge are you,so it's really not something to be concerned about.

While flax has a helluva nice profile,it's overkill for your goals if you supplement with 6 grams epa/dha.Just finish up whatever amount of cla and flax you have left and don't buy anymore but I'd start on the epa/dha immediately.

I really reccomend you log onto Pubmed and type in a search for fish oil/depression and you'll see what studies have shown.

Par Dues has also recomended that endomorphs supplement w/6 grams epa/dha and it sounds as though you may qualify as that body type,as you have said you are prone to fat gain and so on.Hell,I down 2 grams above that amount and so do others on this board w/success.Mr.Question immediately comes to mind,you might want to check the thread he started out on fish oil,just run a search under his user name.

Bottom line,no other EFA can effect the heart,mind and body as signifigantly and on as many levels,especially for those prone to depression/anxiety and endomorphs.

So if you're a fatty and you hate your life,fish oil is your new best buddy

Par Deus
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Just answering your Mass/Rebirth question from the other thread....

At your bodyfat, leptin will be high enough, so you do not need Mass or Basic just yet.

I would use Rebirth for the first month, then you could add in a scoop of Basic per day.

Assuming you stay with your diet, and lose weight, you would want to add another scoop of every 2-3 weeks.

par deus

Juggernaut, bitch!!

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Posted by: @DesperateToLoseWeight
Actually, I want to comment on your diet.  

1.  How much protein are you getting
2.  How many carbs? 
3.  Your carbs are poor choices.  You should be having oats, brown rice, fiber cereals, yams etc.  Not bananas and granola. 
4.  I don't see 1200 carbs there at all. 
5.  You are binging at night because you are not eating enough and your body is starving.
6.  No supplement is going to help you unless your diet is in order.
7.  Lexapro is going to make you hungrier so you better get your diet good now to fulfill some of the hunger.

Thanks Jodi

1. I dont know exactly how much protein I get each day as I haven't been keeping track of the protein/carb/fat breakdown but I should get enough cause one serving of my milk and protein powder gives me 51 gr protein and 6 gr carb 240 calories
2. again, I haven't been counting how much exactly my carb consumption, i just try to go for lower choices when i get to choose
3. yeah, I'm always on the run and the granola and banana were just convenience but the granola was not that bad, at least i thought, it's 8 gram carb (3 gr net carb), 11 gr protein, 6 gr fat tho
4. I use come calorie calculator, so I think I've been doing 1200 calories minimum everyday, basically mostly combination of the food I stated but in different amount and yeild over 1200 calories. and then some more when i go nuts at night, then it's waaaayyy over 1200 calories
5. ... is my body still starving after i eat 1200 calories minimum?
6. yeah, i think i need more exercise tho, gotta kick my rear n make myself sweat more often
7. that's why im scared of taking it :'(

Jodi, I'm really looking forward for more input from you, you seems to know much, I saw your input on others' and also from all the other mods/expert members, impressive forum



You should really figure out how much you are getting. You will want 1-1.5g per pound of bw. I think you should try to figure out exactly what you are eating as far as macros. www.fitday.com will help alot. Granola and banana's are really not good choices for cutting. You should be getting more oats, brown rice, sweet potatoes, yams and apples instead.

I think 1200 cals is too low for you to be starting a cut. You would be better of at approx. 1500 cals with better food choices.

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You should be getting more oats, brown rice, sweet potatoes, yams and apples instead.

I'll try to make time to eat oat, I just always thought granola is from oat and choosing one with low calorie high protein bar would be okay, guess not huh? My granola bar is 120 cal, 6gr fat, 8gr carb w/ 3gr impact carb, 11gr protein, bad?

Wouldn't 1500 be too high? I'm only 5' 0" and sedentary lifestyle was always told to do 1200 calorie per day, too low huh?

and, what should be my target daily carb n fat intake? (gram)

thanks a lot jodi


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Don't you workout?

Your daily macros should be what ever fits in with your lifestye and what you can stick to. Some prefer low carb higher fat and other prefer mod carb mod fat. It depends on what suits you.

No granola is not very good. Oatmeal is much better for you and apples are way better than bananas. It has to do with the GI and how fast your body produces insulin from that carb. It doesn't make a difference how many grams of carbs it has.

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Don't you workout?

yeah if you count HIIT, yoga and some weight lifting (+ crunches and push ups)

I just dont think I work out enough and at the moment I really dont have the time, the stupid chemical imbalance thing has put me so behind that I need to be awake 24/7 the next few weeks if I want to catch up

I'll do more workout as I get caught up tho

Thanks Jodi

Par Deus
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I thought the main thing in granola was oats.

The macro breakdown on her bar is not bad -- certainly not like the 30 carb, 3 fat, 3 protein granolas they serve on airplanes.

Speaking of, is there a conspiracy in the airline industry to make people type II diabetic??
What would be their angle?

par deus

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I know on the flights from the US to London, "dinner" is

- Pasta (sans sauce even)
- A Personal Pan Pizza
- A Danish

I have gotten this every single time I have flown overseas this year. Have they no shame..?

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