Hydroxycut vs. Xena...
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Hydroxycut vs. Xenadrine vs. Other Products

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Sup Fellas,

I have a couple of questions about these fat burning products we have on our market these days. I need to know which one of these is the absolute best out there? I have been taken Xenadrine for awhile and his has brought me down from 260 to 205, honestly, w/ a good workout and diet. I also tried Hydroxycut and got no results at all. I have been stuck at 205 for a very long time now and would like to go down more in wieght. Just wondering if anyone knew of any other product that would shred the fat, fast and in a hurry!!!!! Appreciate the help...

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Xenadrine is really good, although they are all pretty much the same. Personally i hate hydoxycut, for some reason it tears up my stomach. I would try this new product called spirojet, i did it once and man that stuff works, it's a little pricey. You might want to adjust your diet if you haven't already done so, good luck. peace.

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All of these products contain pretty much the same main ingredients:
Herbal form of Ephedrine(Ma Huang)
Herbal form of Caffeine(Gotu Cola.....I think??)
...and other types of vitamins, minerals and amino acids as fillers.

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How long were you on Xenadrine? Did you start Hydroxycut right after. Take two/three months off and get back on Xenadrine. What's your real diet like? Describe your cardio routine.

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I haven't used it but my wife has this stuff from G.N.C. thats called Hydroxadrine its supposed to be combination of the hydroxycut and xenadrine and i guess it works pretty good looking at her

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bump what cardi and littlefreak said...its all the same stuff, just a different name. the only difference is hydroxycut has hydrocitric acid or something like that which supresses hunger, which may give it a slight edge.

I would recommend taking about 3-4 weeks off thermogenics, but keeping with a clean diet and cardio. Maybe bump up your calories slightly for about a week to let your body recoup. Then after thats over get back on the wagon w/ hydroxycut and your fat loss will resume. also, make sure you eating enough protein now, its even more critical than before. This is because you already lost alot of fat so now your body will be more likely to burn muscle. you need more protein to prevent that. about 1.5 g/lb at min, 2g/lb is better. good luck bro stay disciplined.

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do you guyz know they are the same or just from what the label says? I've taken both Hydroxycut and Xenadrine and can tell you for me and for others I've asked to do the same, the Xenadrine has much more of an effect. Whether that effect be just to amp you up (makes for a better workout) or to lose weight. I have lost fat on both (everywhere but between the ears 😀 ), I'm just stating that one seems stronger to me than the other (IMO/IME).

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same exact ingredients. Look at the label, both have standardized to 20 or 25 mg ephedrine and 250 mg caffeine. there are other small difference's but thats it. the only thing i can think of is maybe your comparing 1 xanadrine to 1 hydroxycut, when 3 hydroxycut is actually the serving size. its the same stuff though, ephedrine and caffeine

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I have tried both of those and didnt really like them...Try stacker 2 it worked the best for me...but you need to take some time of of them because your body gets use to being on them and makes it harder for them to work.....also like the guys up there ^ said cardio cardio and more cardio
