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Help with fat loss

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700 cals a day without a refeed is a bit too agressive IMO. Her weightloss will slow down. She is got to be close to starvation mode. I would really rethink her diet to a more moderate approach. 3-4lbs per week loss is not a healthy weight loss.

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Once she's down to 25%ish she's gonna have to sort her calories out or else she's gonna mess up her endocrine system a bit in the short run and get nowhere further in the long run.

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Once she's down to 25%ish she's gonna have to sort her calories out or else she's gonna mess up her endocrine system a bit in the short run and get nowhere further in the long run.

I realize this, and at that point she's agreed to up her calories slowly. However, I'd say she's still above 30%. Plus, her endocrine system is already massively fucked up due to no fault of her own, which was the problem in the first place, and the reason why we are attacking this so aggressively..

Jodi: What would you say would be a good weight loss per week target for her? She's currently at about 220 lbs, down from 245 at the beginnign of dieting in January. She desperately wants to get below 200 (girls seem caught up on numbers like this, in my experience) before modifying her diet too much.

Between the green tea, hoodia, HEAT 3x/day, and 5 servings of leptigen rebirth she says she has no problems with hunger.

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2lbs per weeks is a healthy loss. She just really needs to be careful or she is going to mess herself up even more. Personally, I'd increase her cals to a min. of 1K. It's good that she is taking that much Leptigen though and that will help.

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Posted by: @Godmode
An update, for those of you who were dying to hear one...  all none of you.

She's eating around 700 calories a day and has been steadily losing 3-4 lbs a week.  She does cardio 6 days a week and does a full-body weightlifting session a la HST 3 days a week.  She gets nearly 100% of her fats from supplemented fish oil 12/day and the rest of her food intake is lean protein whole food sources like egg whites and chicken breast, plus 1 cup of green vegetables each day.  She bought a jar of natural peanut butter and dips a piece of celery in it each week as her only cheat.  I am very proud of her progress, although I would expect the weight to be coming off even more rapidly at this level of fast.  She still has plenty of energy, bouncy and bubbly as ever, so I'm not too worried for now.

so she is basically doing PSMF but without the free meals, refeeds, and diet breaks? she might to better to include them to upregulate metabolism and speed fatloss.

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Yeah I'd ante up on carbChick's advice and....I'd get her on the DNP she asked you about at 200mg's for 2 days then bump it up til 400mg's if she doesn't get a allergic reaction.

PM a brotha for more info ,that is if you think she's ready for the big guns,a 100 grams of the shit is less than a $100,probably the most cost efficient fat loss drug/supp there is although sides can be ...well,decidely *NOT FUN*

With Loki style training(clean cardio-ish lifting in the AM for about 30min and steady state on a recumbant bike for another 30 min at night) she could easily double her fat loss,if not triple it.

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I will have you know that I have been following this topic with intrest, and I am glad you updated the topic with a new post!
Tell your friend that we are rooting for her.

You said:

"Between the green tea, hoodia, HEAT 3x/day, and 5 servings of leptigen rebirth she says she has no problems with hunger. "

Which appetite suppresant does she like best?


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She took your advice and did a refeed. She said she felt a little sick by the end of the day. She's not used to eating very much at all now, and she says sometimes the thought of food makes her a little sick. How necessary are these refeeds? She has very little muscle mass that she might be seeking to protect and she's fairly obese still.

Colin: Thanks for the advice / offer for more info

TinyPowerlifter: She seems to think the leptigen does the best job curbing hunger and making her feel better. She says that taking it and drinkiing a lot of water gives her a pretty good feeling of satiety even though she hates the chalky taste.. she also thinks the leptigen is the most important part of her regimen as there was a weekend when she was unable to take it because she forgot it and travelled - but she had everything else, and felt pronouncedly hungrier...

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