Fat Loss FAST!! how...
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Fat Loss FAST!! how?

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I know I shouldn't have to mention this, but don't forget the importance of weight training. Studies have shown that subjects dieting and weight training retained more lean body mass (muscle) than those who dieted alone... Shoot for high reps (10-15) and focus on form... also be sure to throw in some advanced training techniques like supersets (two consecutive exercises for opposing muscle groups), compound sets (two consecutive sets for the same body part), and drop sets (doing a set to failure, then dropping the weight and going to failure again)... I feel for you brother, I used to be overweight as well, but am proud to say I changed my habits and am lean now, as you soon will be, all it takes is willpower and discipline... and payback for all those people who made fun of you ain't bad either...

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well i may be wrong here but
do the cardio as perscribed
sweat your balls off
and try eat lots of chillis and peri peri sauce cause it raises your body temperature so you burn more calories

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Originally posted by bigkap

I know I shouldn't have to mention this, but don't forget the importance of weight training. Studies have shown that subjects dieting and weight training retained more lean body mass (muscle) than those who dieted alone... Shoot for high reps (10-15) and focus on form... also be sure to throw in some advanced training techniques like supersets (two consecutive exercises for opposing muscle groups), compound sets (two consecutive sets for the same body part), and drop sets (doing a set to failure, then dropping the weight and going to failure again)... I feel for you brother, I used to be overweight as well, but am proud to say I changed my habits and am lean now, as you soon will be, all it takes is willpower and discipline... and payback for all those people who made fun of you ain't bad either...

Yes, weight training is important. That is what I was referring to as "resistence training".... Could be using free weights, rubber bands, machines, plyometrics, "the sled", your dad's car, etc.....

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Great info for the lad there Titan.........actually great all around info.

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hmmm.. Ok Where can I find information about the CKD and keto diet? and what is the max fat I can lose in a week and how much running and cardio? I need to know this so I can create my journal for a whole week and my diet plan so I can go buy some food..

What is "adipokenetics" and "ECA STACK"? I would like some information about this..

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I'm not re-typeing all that shit if you didn't read it the first time... Cardio was discussed in there pretty specifically.

I would recommend you revamp your nutrition and forget the Keto diets for now. That isn't a healthy way to eat, and if you don't figure out how to eat for your body, you will gain all the weight back once you stop the keto. You can't do keto for the rest of your life.... (not healthy anyhow)

Read what I explained about the cardio and nutrition.

As far as ECA and adipo go, you don't need those. They are just tools that can aid in fat loss. They are stimulants and can be harmful if used improperly. Again, if you don't have the nutrition and cardio down, you will just be pissing money out the window, and or putting too much of a strain on your body for no gain.......

Get the diet and excercise down. That is the bottome line.

I gave you a link to glycemic index, so go read that too.

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OK I need help with my menu.. This is what I would eat for my whole week.. a low-glycemic diet..

Egg-4 only 2 yolks
Apple Juice-1 Glass
Water-1 Glass

Apple-1 green

Subway Turkey & Ham- 1 6 inch w/ lots of mustard
Water-2 bottles

Water-1 bottle



Total Grams of Fat: 9
Total Calories: 766
Percent fat of total calories consumed: 11%

This is without Dinner and a Sanck after.. I need advice on teh last 2..

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I thinking I'm getting carpal tunnel from typing too much... lol...

I'm glad you are doing some work, and actually writing things down and number crunching.... Very good, grasshoppah.....:D

You should eat more protein. 1gram to 2 grams per lb of lean body mass..... So guestimate 200 to 400grams per day protein. You aren't anywhere near that.

"snacks" and meals should all include protein and low glycemic carbs. So add something to those "apples or peaches". The easiest way to boost this is to buy a quality protein powder that you can shake up with water where ever you go. Being 15, not sure what your means, are, but if you can eat at subway everyday, then you should be able to put that money towards protein powder.

"dinner" or any other meal.. (they are all just meals to me now) You can have steak and yams & spinach, chicken (boneless, skinless) both very easy on the Foreman grill. Tuna is great protein source for any meal. Milk is also good. Get skim or 1%. It has good protein, and good carbs, plus much needed calcium

You need to figure out what you normally eat, to determine your baseline maintenance cals..... Knowing what you think your lean mass to be, I'd estimate that to be anywhere from 2000 to 3000 calories (this doesn't include those burnt during training).... That is something you need to figure out, by determining what you normally eat.

I wouldn't go any less than 1200 cals/ day. Any less and your body will go into starvation mode. Like I said before, you need to cycle your caloric intake to prevent you metabolism from shutting down.

So up the protein, up the carbs. Eat protein and carbs at every sitting..... WHERE IS ALL THE WATER!?!? Gallon MINIMUM per day.... NO LESS!

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I would also stay away from apple juice as it has high-glycemic carbs as opposed to pure apples which are low-glycemic carbs, with more fiber, vitamins and minerals...

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Ok.. I pretty much got it down.. but I need a recomandation for a good protein powder at my age.

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I'm not wure where you are. I like Max Muscle products. www.maxmuscle.com Their Max Pro is a good protein powder, and is cost effective, especially if you buy the 9lb tub.

Isopure also makes another good one.

I like both of these, cuz they don't have fillers, and don't require a blender.

Go to the nutrition forum.... there were alot of good ones mentioned there.

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thanks man.. My new life to lose some fatts starts tomorrow.. =]

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Good luck sap you can do it man its very possible.Every so often keep us posted on progres man and feel free to ask questions.
Were here man to help ya through the process.
Once your goal is achieved set another.
Small steps man.
Later on,Joey

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Man Titaniumspine,
Do you have any idea how much I charge to give out the information that you just tossed on the table??? You are the man! That's why I love this board! Open arms and good information. Oh, and dirty pictures.

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