Fat Loss FAST!! how...
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Fat Loss FAST!! how?

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Hi, I have just weighed my self and I am a fat 298lb bastard.. the majority of my body is fat.. I need to know how to lose fat fast!! I need to get ready for football season.. I would liek to weigh 215 before july/august..

I would like a plan that does not consist of water weight loss or muscle loss.. I would liek some of your help bros.. I really do need this for my life.. I am 15 and I need help! please I need a plan to make me 215 by july..

I do not care if the plan will make me dead tired.. I will be exercissing to excellerate the process.. I need some fat gone!.. So please help me out..


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The quickest way to drop weight is to go to the shed and grab dad's chain saw and cut ya legs off.... ! j/k....:D

You are 15 and 298?!?! How tall are you?

Here's what you do. You right down everything you NORMALLY eat everyday for 2 weeks. It's a pain in the ass, but it will get you to open your eyes and realize exactly what you eat and how much.

There is no quick fix. You got time though. So once you got your food written out, you analyze it. Figure out how many cals, how much protein, how many carbs, how much fat. The types of carbs, when they are eaten.....

Then you figure out what you are doing wrong with food, and there are a million things you can do wrong. So invest some time, and start reading threads in the nutrition forum... Read, read, read.... If you don't understand something, ask. Look for Low glycemic carbs. You want to avoid high glycemic. You also want to figure out your maintenance calories via your two week list.. that is assuming you aren't gaining weight eating that amount. I'd recommend a mini-cycle diet. You drop your carbs, fat and total cals, while eating ample protein. You do this for 5 days, then as you metabolism slows to meet the decreased caloric intake, you bump the carbs back up (this doesn't mean enter a pie eating contest) for 24 to 36 hours, then cut them down again.... There is a really good book that explains this in depth. Hardcore Bodybuilding: A scientific approach by Fred Hatfield.

Cardio....... MUST DO CARDIO..... This will rev you metabolism, in addition to the extra calories burned while doing the excercise. Cardio every morning before breakfast at least 30 min, preferably 60 min, 3-6 days per week.

Eat 5 to 8 small meals per day..... This will speed up you metabolism, and will also limit fat storage. Insulin spikes cause fat storage. If you eat a big meal, or simple sugar, or a high glycemic carb like, white potatoes, white rice, white bread, etc, it causes an insulin spike. Reduced carbs which are low glycemic will aid in keeping insulin more level, like gentle waves, allowing fat burning to continue.

Resistance training. Train with weights. Resistence training alone keeps you metabolism accelerated longer than a 30 min cardio session, so preferably do both. Resistence train, followed immediately by 30 to 60 min of even walking......

Go Read my friend. We're here to help you where you need it......

Once you hit a natural platuea, then consider throwing in ECA. I wouldn't do it right away, cuz you will likely shed pounds quick at first. When this quick shedding slows, is when you get bummed and think it's not working, and that's where you fall of the wagon... So when you hit that platuea, throw in the eca, like xenadrine.........

Drink lots of water... at 298, don't go lower than 1.5 gallons a day. I'm serious. If you are not completely hydrated you metabolism is slowing down.

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I was about to say the same thing but.......ummm......Titan beat me to the punch, yeah, he really did.

Solid advice TS. Your suggestion should get the ball rolling for him.

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The quickest way to drop weight is to go to the shed and grab dad's chain saw and cut ya legs off.... ! j/k....

thats some funny shit. at 15, should he really be taking an ECA Stack? Since the age is so low and you probably cant drive or anything i would do 30 minutes of jumping rope in the morning. i dont know how many guys here do it but i always do when im trying to lose weight. good luck

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Thanks TS, I am 6'3 an offensive linemen.. but I want to go for running back.. so i need to drop pounds.. plus i will be in good condition for the rest of my life..

Ok here is what you requested..

Every morning- Toast, Cereal, and Egg
4/5 days its Toast(4 pieces) and Cereal(1 serving), The other days is an egg(1-2)

Lunch- Subway, Pizza, and Salad
3/5 days its subway(1 6"inch), 2/5 days its pizza(1 slice), and sometimes I get a Ham salad with ranch dressing, The kind that you get at mcdonalds.. thats size.

Dinner- Main Course-Pork Chops, Taqutios, Beef, and Chilli Beans
Side-Buttered Potatos, whole veggies, Salad
Fast Food Dinner- Jack-In-the-Box, KFC, In-N-Out(buger joint), Carls Jr.
Usually i get 2 hamburgers and I eat some potato chips @ home, KFC I get a twister and a 2 piece meal.

Misc Time Of Day- Chips, Chex, Pretsel's, and very little candy.

Drinks- Since wrestling started (3 weeks ago) I have been on a strictly Tea and Water system.. I drink water in teh morning and at lunch and tea at dinner..

That is all.

What foods are Low glycemic? can you make a scheduel for me? a mini-cycle..

How would I know if my motabolism slows? then i eat more to raise it again fro 24-36 hours.. how much? and that cardio thing is going to kill me.. I have a 0 period.. school starts for me at 7am. So I have to get up at 5 go do some running and a short football workout to do cardio.. thats cool.. should I start tomorrow?

I also drink tonns of water..

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Lots of target, er, I mean leg to hit, wrap, lift and dump! Yahoo!

Well, you are damn tall for 15 too.... Damn! I'm impressed!

You said you drink "tons" of water..... Right down every cup or glass of water you have every day for a week. Most people think they are drinking much more then they really are..... it ain't the easiest to drink 1.5 gallons/day.....

Metabolism slowing, you won't Feel. You will just have to trust to bump the cals every 5 days. You're body will ratchet your metabolism down over the week, to try and meet the reduced caloric intake.... It does, period.

Your whole diet is BAD! Lots of work cut out my friend. Start reading the threads, like I said.

Breakfast: More eggs, like 4 to 6, only 2 yolks. less toast/cereal

Lunch: Pizza=Bad, Subway is bad, but OK in a bind.... How the hell do you afford to eat that stuff. when I was 15, I didn't have cash for pizza, subway, MCD's everyday.... You need more protein. More protein will speed up you metabolism in and of itself! Get double meat, no chease or mayo (get mustard) if you have to eat at subway and go with wheat bread, and low fat meats like turkey, not a big ole salami grinder.......

Chips, pretzels, candy... all that is JUNK...... High Glycemic, little nutritional value..... Stay away from it......

yes, start cardio tomorrow...... It's all about dedication..... There is no tomorrow! Do it NOW! Don't put anything off!

Like I said, you gotta do 5 to 8 small meals per day with higher protein, moderate carbs, and low fat. Stay away from fast food. Start packing a lunch........

Here's a link to a list of food and their glycemic index.....


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Good luck man youll get there.Listen to Titanium he knows his shit.
Later on,Joey

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6' 3" 298LB running back... OUCH, I would hate to be the defensive linemen that you run over... LMAO... but hey, refrigerator perry guys... if he could do it.. lol...

good advice from the guys....

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hehe.. ok. I am late for school.. I'll read more about this in 1st.

The 5th Element
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bump for Titans advice, listen to that guy when he speaks

And about football

that is really tall for a RB, to tell you the truth even if you lost teh weight at 15, YOUR STILL GONNA BE THE BIGGEST MOFO:D out there and will still end up as lineman/d-line/LB. Even if you get in the backfield it would be as a fullback..hate to break it to ya bro, that is unless your coach is a sadist ans wants to cripple the opposing team..haha.

You are still growin..wow...the best thing to do bro is to be a defensive end at your size.....I think you would like it. As you get older, depending on your size and speed, you will probably be either a WR, DE, OLB, F/S, TE.

Drop the weight and get in good shape and you will be a force no doubt about it...

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liposuction. lol follow what titanium said, he give good advice.

bro you are huge at 15.


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CKD diet for 4-5 months and take adipokenetics 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off or what ever thermogenic you prefer.

but seriously, just listen to these guys they know what they are talking about.


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id recommend 3 days a week cardio for 15 to 30 minutes

look up the keto diet its great

supplements id suggest


being if you are young i dont know if i would dive in to anabolic gear yet tho

hope this helps...keto is great as i have tried it before

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Originally posted by decadude
id recommend 3 days a week cardio for 15 to 30 minutes

look up the keto diet its great

supplements id suggest


being if you are young i dont know if i would dive in to anabolic gear yet tho

hope this helps...keto is great as i have tried it before

No, no, no.... I wouldn't recommend this....

15 to 30 minutes of cardio 3 times a week isn't going to do much of anything. I do more than that for general maintenance cardio. It takes the average person 20 minutes to burn the glucose out of the blood to get the body to even start to tap fat stores..... So 15 min of running we'll say, may burn what? 150 cal (@ 298lbs, plus maybe another 50 for the blip it increases your metabolism after you stop..... That is only 600 cals per week...... A pound of fat is 3500 calories...... You need to run a 3500 calorie deficit to lose one pound of fat. If you want to lose an average of 2 lbs of fat per week, you need to run a 7000 calorie deficit. That's 1000 calories less per day than your body burns.

I suggested ECA above, AFTER conventional methods.... At 298, if you can't lose weight w/o ECA, then you have problems. THERE ARE NO MAGIC BULLETS.... So don't think taking a drug will make it all better, it won't. You need to eat right and train right to get the results you seek. They are attainable.

Winny, primo, para...... NO! STAY AWAY FROM AAS. As stated above, they aren't a magic bullet, and further more, you will create permanent problems at age 15. As you said above, you need to learn to eat and train properly, FOR LIFE. That is a very realistic and mature statement.

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Originally posted by decadude
id recommend 3 days a week cardio for 15 to 30 minutes

look up the keto diet its great

supplements id suggest


being if you are young i dont know if i would dive in to anabolic gear yet tho

hope this helps...keto is great as i have tried it before

The kid is only 15 years old,He doesn`t need all that shit.
Cardio and a good diet is all he needs.
Listen to Titaniumspine.

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