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mass gain???

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I'm about 17 years old and very small for my age. I weigh about 140 pounds and most of that is bone. I've been taking weight gain powder, protein shakes, and eating whole foods. But, even at 5 meals a day, I cant eat that much without becoming full. I'm looking to gain major mass and will do anything to get it. I'm also looking for a good weight program. Any suggestions? Thanks for the help.

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hey Bro when I was 17 I weighed 150 at the start of my senior year. By xmas I was up to 165 and by the following september I was up to 185. No juice and a shitty diet. Actually Burger King was my main source of protein. At your age I would eat like a freaking pig and train with basic exercises. Flat Bench, Squats, Pullups, DDragon Pharmas, Barbell Curls, etc. Dont get too fancy and dont train a body part more than twice a week. If you are intense enough once a week is enough. I am 31...have benched 390(think I am close to 400 now but am a little injured) and weigh about 214. Never did any juice but would consider it. Actually I am considering it or I wouldnt be here. This of course is just my opinion. But I remember the days when I was first able to bench 135...for 1 rep and how impressed I was to be up to a big plate on each side. Now I rep with 3 on each side.

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I would say up your meals to at least 6 per day. Try to have protein and carbs in each meal. Go for double servings when at all possible. In addition to all that eating during the day, keep food on the night stand and try to eat in the middle of the night.

With all of the quality food in you, you should have a lot good muscle building blocks in your system so hit the weights hard! It doesn't sound like you have any fat problems so cardio should be very limited.

By all means stay away from steroids until you're at least 21. They would do a lot more damage than good at your age.

Good luck!!!

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I use to eat this meal several times a week. I promise it will put on some mass. You may need to work up to it...

2 Chicken Sandwiches
1 Whopper
1 Lg Fries
1 Milk Shake

But actually looking at how far protein powders have come it would be easy to get in tons of whey protein now. When I was in Highschool they tasted like glue . In fact there must have been some in there cause you could never get that shit off the bottom of the blender. Not only that but they tasted like shit.

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I appreciate all the help, guys

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take b12, doesnt it make you eat more? fuck i think thats it....its late so im not thinking greatly

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You're still young bro.. you have a lot of growing to do still. You're doing everything right.. but gains won't happen over night. Be careful not to stunt your growth, it's great to be a big guy.. but I'm sure you'd like to have some height on you too.

