Was thinking of a cycle where it starts off with test e at 500/wk, and increases to 750mg/wk,EQ at 500mg/wk, kick starting this with a Dbol of 50mg/ed, ending the cycle with a winstrol 50mg/ed, some has said to not to use the Winstrol but use Anavar at 70mg/ed, and then again use both starting the Anavar at week 9 through week 15 and the Winstrol at week 10 through week 15.
Is Anavar worth the extra money to put into the cycle, where Winstrol can do the job? Maybe not as well.
If you don't mind the joint pain I'd go with the winstrol.
What are your goals for this cycle?
Was thinking of a cycle where it starts off with test e at 500/wk, and increases to 750mg/wk, EQ at 500mg/wk, kick starting this with a Dbol of 50mg/ed, ending the cycle with a Winstrol 50mg/ed, some has said to not to use the Winstrol but use Anavar at 70mg/ed, and then again use both starting the Anavar at week 9 through week 15 and the Winstrol at week 10 through week 15.
Is Anavar worth the extra money to put into the cycle, where Winstrol can do the job? Maybe not as well.they will both get the job done just one is more $ with less sides well the other is less $ but comes wth more sides i guess it all comes down to what means more to u. me personally after a few lessons learned would spend more $ and deal with lees sides
they will both get the job done just one is more $ with less sides well the other is less $ but comes wth more sides i guess it all comes down to what means more to u. me personally after a few lessons learned would spend more $ and deal with lees sides
agreed... 😉
Depends on what you are going for.winny will probably suffice but var is nice as well. Probably for you though, winny is the best bet.
If you like your joints, var is worth the extra $ imo.
you should take your liver into consideration also. dbol and winny would be pretty hard on the liver
I've been running Anavar and can't believe how it helps burn off body fat, and makes you
very vascular. I have a bottle of Stan 50, and haven't used winnie yet, but, popping a pill
once a day is alot better than pinning yourself ED/EOD with winnie.
I love both Var wins though
Winny or Anavar is fine the way you are proposing. I would do both though. 50mg each daily =)
Whats your bf% atm?