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17/08/2022 11:41 am
Which is better for cutting up while on Fina and Test-250...winny or Clenbuterol????
17/08/2022 12:07 pm
Apples and oranges, my friend.
Winny is an anabolic steroid. clen is a thermogenic (a beta antagonist off-hand; yeah, clen is supposed to have some anabolic effect but it is mediocre at best when compared to any gear). It's like asking which is better for working out, ephedrine or test.
IMO, I would use winny when on a cycle and clen post-cycle.
Topic starter
17/08/2022 12:23 pm
Alright thanks alot im doin about 400mg a week of fina and 600mg a week of Test Enathate, how much is a good amount of Clen on a post cycle like that?
17/08/2022 12:40 pm
Hey bro 400 mgs of Tren A week
I hope you have a few cycles under your belt
t-3 is good for cuting while on
clen not longer then21 days post cycle