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When will Sustanon kick in

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Hey today was the first day of da cycle of 500/wk for 8 weeks
Just sustanon 250...
What and when should i expect to feel something, and what will that something be?

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Everybody will tell you in about 4-5 weeks, then you blow up. Goodluck

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Yep, exactly....right around the 4-5 week marker.


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Its going to take 4 weeks on injections to even feel psychologically different? when will i get agressive energetic feeling?
Is that how long the esters take to go away?
And will i notice muscle gains every few days?

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Psycological effects depend on you, but i believe that you would definately feel the roid rages when it kicks in. I believe it will take two weeks for it to go away, thats when you begin the clomid so you won't crash. But you should feel something since sust is composed of fast and slow acting tests, IMO.

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well your ass should definitely be sore the next day and should last for a few days. As for results I find within 2 weeks you should start to see some

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so in 2 weeks its possible for it to kick in, a little?

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around week 4 (and the inject site will probably hurt almost immediately)

in theory, you should start feeling something immediately, due to the prop in the sus (quick acting) but its such a "small" amount, that it really doesnt affect you much.

since you are doing 500mgs a week, be sure to split the shots up twice weekly to try and take the most advantage of the various esters and their half lives.

you might feel a little aggressive and such fairly quick, but that's really just in your head. as far as "roid rage" I wouldnt bet on it, unless you have a very quick and bad temper to begin with.

due to the time it takes for sustenon/omnadren to kick in, that is why most people kick their cycle off with Dbol or something for quicker action.

dont sweat it. if your running an 8 week cycle, you'll be pleased with the results. eat, train, rest, etc.

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When i do sust i know when its kicking in cos i can taste it at
the back of my throat.
It took 6 weeks for it to start to so gains for me.

Why just sust add some deca or a oral much better
Good luck

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Urg 4-6 weeks for any noticable effect....ok, well when this does happen, how fast will i blow up?

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This fast [holding hands a few inches apart]. You should start to feel it kick in after about two weeks... you'll definitely notice some changes in water retention, sex drive, appetite and whatnot, but it won't kick in fully until about week 4. That's when you notice the real size and strength gains. As far as how much you'll see... that depends on genetics, diet, amount of rest you get, training, etc. Generally you'll start to see your lifts go up before you notice the mass increase.

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for me about 3 weeks...after about 5 weeks though you'll notice a big difference

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You got me mixed up now. My spring cycle is comming up and I planed on taking 500sust & 2ml of Deca in the same dart. You told that Bro to split the dose/ 250x2 wk.Is it because he is only doing Sust? I mean should I just do 250sust and 1ml 2x a week?I want the best buck for my dollar!

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You got it right pc.
Do 250mg sust and 100,g deca in 1 dart twice a week this way you keep your test and a level rate if you do it all just once a week you get test spikes better results when spread out.

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I love my first injection with any prop in it after a layoff .I can feel it in under 2 hours but gains won't be seen for a couple more weeks

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