GD t400
GD t400, I had some RnM I switched over to that last night gonna test again in a week
Thanks for the info. Not sure if the RNM gear is going to be dosed any better, I guess it depends when you got it from him...
I got some deca from RnM as well a while back I know the Deca is legit, my nuts disappear in 5 days and strenght increases
Yeah, I would not be happy with those values. Very uncool.
i have done a gram before, but now I am running 600 test e a week with 600 eq. my next cycle will be about 300 test prop and 600-700 tren per week for 10 weeks. Low test, high tren i have read is the best way to go.
Should be great results for sure. However higher Tren to low test and vice versus is a debated subject. I would say your body decides the best combination on that.
I think 1 g is good if you are experienced
750 works great for me. Once I get to 1g, I start noticing acne.
1 gram
A lot! LOL! I run a gram and love it.
I'm not gonna bash a sponsor here but need to get something clear because I'm a little confused. I was told that my labs look great and that 1500T is normal. But after reading thru their website I found an article saying 100mg test gives you 800-900T .
I'm taking 800mgs which my math equals 6400 at least. based on their math.
But my labs say 1490T
What do you guys average on labs verses amount of test mgs injected.
I guess its obvious I'm not experienced in this. I would only run labs before and after and this is the first time I ran labs during a cycle. Didnt want to get all the way to pct and find out I wasted my time again.
I'm running 625 mg's but all I know about my total T is that it's >1500. :hmm: