Running clomid and I'm not happy about
All posts are for entertainment and may contain fiction. Consult a medical doctor before using any medication. heavyiron does not advocate readers engage in any illegal activity.
250 test + AI +HCG
When I was a young man it was standard to add 50mg Anadrol daily to an 8 week Testosterone cycle.
Legend has it heavyiron was one of the earliest pioneers of steroid use who, in the late 1800s, injected pure testicle extract. In 1975, at the ripe age of 328, he used 50mg Anadrol daily for 8 week (12 years in human time) Testosterone cycles.
And the fable goes on...
I wish I had that bottle lol
Trt 400mg test cyp /month
Started new cycle; 1000 mg/test-E for 12 weeks and 50 mg/day of DBOL weeks 1-4. Thinking of throwing in VAR at 100 mg/day for the final 4 weeks and continuing for an additional 4 weeks.
I've been running 100mg test p/day, 150 npp eod and added 100 mg mast/eod last week. In week 6 and Very happy with my gains and how I feel ! I noticed a real difference in just feeling great with the addition of the masteron. My first time with it. Oh also aromasin 25 mg/day and 500 iu hcg/2x week.
Test E and Deca until mid August and then I start my contest prep.
Prop/NPP/Winny & TNE...these 2 the last 4 wks of cycle 😉
250 test + AI +HCG
TRT or a cruise?
All posts are for entertainment and may contain fiction. Consult a medical doctor before using any medication. heavyiron does not advocate readers engage in any illegal activity.
Starting this tomorrow:
1-5 Test E 250mg weekly
1-5 Test Prop 50mg/ed
1-5 Tren Ace 50-75mg/ed
1-5 Winstrol 50mg
1-5 Dbol 30mg/ed
1-5 25mg aromasin ed
1-5 Caber .5mg Twice Weekly
5-10 Test E 250 weekly
5-10 Aromasin 12.5 eod
10-15 Test E 250mg weekly
10-15 Test Prop 50mg/ed
10-15 Tren Ace 50-75mg/ed
10-15 Winstrol 50mg
10-13 Dbol 30mg/ed
10-15 25mg aromasin ed
10-15 Caber .5mg Twice Weekly
17-21 Clomid 100/75/50/50
17-19 Aromasin 25 ED