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Using Quads for first time! Need some help.

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does anyone know a good site about how to inject in your quads and how many cc's they can take.


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don't know of a site but hit it in the middle third of your quad. on the upper outer portion. about where your palm lies if you put your hands to your side while standing up. never on the inside. i assume about 3-4cc's a week should be about as high as you wanna go.

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yeah, that's the spot. you can go up to around 3ccs per inject. my horse has been getting 2 injects a week in each quad with no problem. that's 6ccs a week per site. seeing as your target is kinda big, you can move around a little in the general area. I've noticed a little bit more bleeding (on occassion) than the glute area, but no big deal.

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1" or 1.5" needle?

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I'd say you're fine w/ the 1.5, unless you are chicken legs, then go w/ the 1....

Chest Rockwell
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TG told me he used a 1.5 and it went all the way through his hamstring! They don't call him the Flamingo Kid for nothing!

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Originally posted by Chest Rockwell
TG told me he used a 1.5 and it went all the way through his hamstring! They don't call him the Flamingo Kid for nothing!


it went from an inject to a piercing in no time!
anyone got any good shrimp receipes?

Chest Rockwell
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You're quick on the reply as usual, TG. It's not like you to take such remarks without retribution. Are you going soft on me?

Oh, and on another note related to the post. If you put sust250'>sustanon and especially T400 in your quad, be prepared to walk a little funny for a couple of days. The soreness can be rough at times.

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one post every thirty seconds?? ok....but what kind of kmart issue clock is this damn thing on?? I tried to reply twice and got kicked back twice. even had some useful info. went and got a cup of coffee in the interim.

I aint typing all that shit again......

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Yeah, if you have T400 I would highly recommend not shotting it in your quad. In the ass is F'N REDICULOUS!!!! Some are worse than others, but I'm assuming you want to be walking sometime soon. Take Care


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Originally posted by TailGunner
one post every thirty seconds?? ok....but what kind of kmart issue clock is this damn thing on?? I tried to reply twice and got kicked back twice. even had some useful info. went and got a cup of coffee in the interim.

I aint typing all that shit again......

LMAO @ TG and Chest.....:lol

i had that same 30 sec. problem the other day

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yes shooy for the upper outer part of your leg ive injected sustanon and deca in my quads no problem .ive done 2cc;s every other day just alternate quads.Your quad will be really see the first couple times you do it.I think the only reason i was sore is because i used sustanon and the propinate injections hurt like a bitch.But its relly not that bad.

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maybe I'm retarded, but I dont quite understand the question.

will it take 4 weeks to start kicking in? no....not with the Abombs. your other cycle shouldnt have either, not with the Dbol.

also, I dont think I'd run the abombs the whole time. just use them to kick off the cycle for the first 4 weeks. if it were me, I'd add in some deca or EQ too.

just my thoughts

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Not only would I not run the A-bombs for the whole cycle.... And I swear you posted this and were advised not to use them.....

BUT I WOULD STAY AWAY FROM ABOMBS all together for cycle #2.... They are harsh and you don't need them that early on.... wait till cycle 4 or 5 or 6...........

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Sorry man I never posted this question, I'm 46 and been powerliftin' for the past 2yrs., my bench is 360 right now without a shirt, next meet is the first week in March that puts me at week 7, ya I'm going to do this the whole cycle, I keep the water comming and do the milk thistle too, I'll let you know how it goes...................
