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Trying to find info, is it any good? Any info would help.

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Never heard of it. I'll see if I can dig something up though.

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Product Name (815) Manufacturer
Tridenosen 2mg/ml amf 100ml Nature Vet Pty

Description Veterinary Product
Each ml contains: Adenosine Tri phosphate 2mg, Potassium Aspartate 20 mg, Nicotinic Acid 20 mg, Di-isopropylamine dichloroacetate 50mg, Magnesium Aspartate 20mg, (Selenium as Sod. Selenite) 500 mcg.

Common uses
HORSES: 1) Rhabdomyolysis or Azoturia, Tying up, The Exertional Myopathy Syndrome. Tridenosen given intravenously or intramuscularly by increasing M VO2 and Latate washout, acts to prevent the accumulation of metabolites in local muscle groups and to increase the oxygenation of muscle cells. Tridenosen antagonises the contractures produced in skeletal muscles by Caffeine. Clinical studies indicate that Tridenosen prevents muscle cramping in Greyhounds including those previously sensitised by Caffein. 2) Fatigue States: recovery from heavy loads may be hastened by the use of Tridenosen following work or racing. 3) Prevention of Myocardial T Wawe changes on electrocardiogram: Tridenosen by producing small Coronary Vessel dilation and improved myocardial perfusion aids in the prevention and treatment of so called "heart strain" T wave changes. Indications for DOGS: GREYHOUNDS: 1) Cramping of muscles groups on exercise. Give Tridenosen 1-3 hours before fast exercise. 2) Fatigue: give Tridenosen on return from racing or after long car journeys. SHOW DOGS: 1) fatigue - as for greyhounds.

Do not administer Tridenosen to animals in shock or in pathological conditions where vasodilation may lead to hypobaric shock or ataxia.
Give by sterile intramuscular or slow intravenous injection. Horses: Adult horses 15-20ml, Weanlings: 10-15ml, Foals 5-10 ml; Dogs; Greyhounds 2-4 ml, other breeds 1-5 ml

Information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. You should not use this information for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease or prescribing any medication. Only your healthcare provider should diagnose your healthcare problems and prescribe treatment.
As a Swiss licensed Pharmacy and Wholesaler we strictly observe Swiss legal requirements.
It is your responsibility to ensure compliance with all current legal requirements in your country, particularly those regarding the import of drugs.

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Thanks Billy732. BigJim77 great info appreciate it.

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Specifically designed for the prevention of lactic acid build up, very interesting.....:)

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I did some reading up by manufacturer(Nature Vet- Austrailia),sounded real good. I just recieved it yesterday and did my first dose this morning before my workout.Will keep y'all posted on results. Oh, by the way,right now the stuff is legal.

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That is absolutely fascinating and I'd love to know where you acquired yours from since it is legal if you don't mind. Also please keep up posted on results.

EDIT: I assume you got it from Nature Vet Australia.

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No, Vature Vet doesn't want to be bothered and are acually rude about it.You can get it from AAS in Calf. I'll get back with the full address, sorry for the delays, work has been a bitch.

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Dbreeze Thanks for the info. Can you get me contact info for AAS or email address. Would greatly appreciate it.

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OK...Here's the skinny on obtaining Tridenosen. It is distributed by AAs Labs in Calf. There number is 1-800-535-9858 or you can order on line at They're holding custermers to 4 boxes per order. So far my experience with the stuff is not earth shaking but have noticed some hardness in the muscles kinda like EQ.Next my apologies to Nature Vet about the rudeness, they're the inventers, Brisbane Labs is the manufacturer and are the ones who don't want to be bothered with orders. Will keep you posted on the effectiveness. Later.

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Just wondering if anyone else out there has tried this stuff. I would like to hear some other feed back. I think it sounds like some good stuff. I just would like to know before I spend my money, because it is hard to come by.

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I just got some to try. Only on my third day and the box says that results are fully realized after 90 days. It also states that you don't take it every day (unless you do excessive cardio), just on workout days so their 45 day supply can be stretched a bit longer. It also says you should drink between 1 and 2 gallons of water daily and take the equivalent to 3 cups of coffee.?.?.?

I am try it as to benefits on the soccer field not to get big. I am 40 and play division 1 soccer with 18 to 25 year olds and noticed that I was losing a step or two the last few seasons I have altered my work-out plan and supplements (all legal) and have been gaining ground.

Anyway will let you know how things progress.

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How is the TridenosenH working for you?

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Found some info on TridenosenH in World Steriod review that said to stack TidenosenH with Oxandrolone (Anavar) and creatine for one Hell of a stack. Also says that if stack it with ephedrine or caffeine one baby aspirin and 2-3 Tridenosen that it will give you an intensified thermogenic effect. Let me know what you guys think of this.

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sound interesting

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