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Will taking mild amounts of Colmid without a cycle of Test force your body to naturally produce more of it's own test?

Will this screw with your HPTA axis ?:)

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I have read several articles about this and it appears to be inconclusive (from what I remember) in all the studies. remember, clomid is not a male hormone. it is a female hormone so the male body creates more of its own stuff to counteract the effects of the other (a very generalized explanation). I dont think you can over activate you own production this way. maybe just a little, but not enough to worry about. hopefully somebody else can site specifics on this, but I cant remember them right now.

the best way to increase male hormones (testosterone) in the body is thru increasing those levels artificially by synthetic hormones via injection or oral ingestion.

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OK Dude....I here u! If u know of any studies I can look at let me know......

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I highly doubt that would work. To produce more test you would need more FSH and LH. Which are what the pituitary puts out to signal the testes to produce. If anything, you could try light doses of HCG as it closely mimmics those hormones. But I don't know if that would work too well either.....

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From the research I have done HCG is used to simulate FSH and LH....Apparently when this is done it can permanently effect the natural production of FSH and LH by damaging the Pituitary.....

Colmid on the other hand forces the Pituitary gland to produce it's own FSH and LH......there by naturally increasing the Test levels in the body.....Trouble is how much to take? And will there be adverse effects.....I don't want to tern into a fem......Any thoughts?

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The increase in test levels would be negated by an increase in production of inhibitory factors (transforming growth factor TGF-beta) and decrease in production of stimulatory factors (TGF-alpha, insulin-like growth factor-1). Binding to nuclear chromatin appears to occur in an atypical manner and persisting for longer periods of time than the estrogen-receptor complexes and protein synthesis is markedly reduced.

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Steve, the HCG "mimmicks" fsh and LH.... I don't believe it to stimulate the pituitary... It tricks your nuts that way.

Why are you so interested in going around.....? Technically speaking, clomid and hcg are prescription only and it is illegal in the states to take meds that arent' prescribed to you. So you are already doing things illegally.... HCG you have to inject, so it's not like you are avoiding needles..... If you don't want to use aas, more power to you, but don't half ass it. You may as well take some tribulus instead of test.

Food for thought: HCG and Clomid were designed as fertility meds for WOMEN.... Chances are, they are not the best for Men to take consistently for long periods of time, when your test levels and HTPA is "normal"............

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Leaglity has little to do with my rational's more health related

My reason 4 avoiding AAS is in part due to my age....I am 40....If I could find a way to enhance my bodies natural ability to produce more test I would prefer that.....But u may be right ....just exploring the options.....I wanted to see if anyone on the board had actually tried this.....or if it were commonly done......

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If your natural test is dropping because of your age, using a little gear to put you back up to speed is far from dangerous. You could probably go to you doc and get some prescibed to you legally for just that reason. 😎

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deathknell is right. you can get "hormone replacement therapy" from your doc. its often low doses of deca(I think) but it is prescribed. complain of low sex drive and appetite, etc. that should do the trick.

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A friend of mine takes test. replacement. He has to take it because his nads never kicked back in after cycling. He never used Clomid or anything. He didn't even know what it was.
Anyway, he uses the test cream. He has tried the patch the and pills. But, the cream gives the best results.

Just my $.02.... Go see the Doc. and do it legal.

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Unless your Doctor is a real idiot, getting put on hormone replacement therapy is not an easy slam dunk. You'll have to have blood work done to show low test levels, then you'll have to have a 2nd test a few months later to make sure this wasn't a temporary lowering. Then you'll get a referal to an Endocronologist and he'll probably run his own tests before finally putting you on HRT. They want to make sure before putting you on HRT because once you go on your on for life!!! I'm going through this right now so I know what is expected.

If you suspect a naturally lowered level of Test in your system, start with reviewing your sleep levels, how much stress is in your life, and most importantly what your diet looks like. Your not on a low fat diet are you, thats the worst thing for Test levels. Do you take Zinc supplements? 50mg/day will benefit most guys, unless you eat alot of meat, nuts or other foods that contain Zinc. Magnesium will help to, but remember they wont do anything unless your deficient in those minerals to start with.

On the Clomid thing, other guys have tried this and for whatever reason it didn't work. Clomid does stimulate a increased production of FSH and LH but like other things the male body can only get benefits from this for a short period of time and then the bodies own system of checks and balances takes over. Just like taking gear for a short period of time wont produce any significant gains, taking Clomid for a short time wont either.
