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Tren- Fat burning and "fina cough" both from prostaglandin metabolization

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Author: Pheedno

It's been widely disussed of Trens fat burning properties through rises in IGF and Prostaglandins. While IGF is a fairly well known substance in the bodybuilding world today, prostaglandins are fairly unknown in terms of formation and roles in the body.
So below, a brief dicription of prostoglandins and their role in fat burning, "fina cough", and why a person going through Tren Administration can experience it's fat burning effects without the dreaded "Cough"

The term prostaglandin comes from the word-Prostate. The first prostoglandins were first dicovered in semen about the mid 1930's and it was thought that prostaglandins were made from the prostate. Since this time, it has been dicovered that most prostaglandins are not even constructed in the prostate.

Prostaglandins are made by two different pathways(Cyclooxygenase and Lipoxygenase), and considering prostaglandins are a group of about 20 lipid cells, they have contrary function; responsible for stimulating as well as alleviating inflammation(Inflammation stimulation is the rapid metabolism of them expelled through the bronchials), regulate blood flow to particular organs, control ion transport across membranes, modulate synaptic transmission, induce sleep, mediate lipid release, and regulate metabolism is various tissue.

Prostaglandins are synthesized from arachidonate(Lipoxygenase which catalyze the dioxygenation of polyunsaturated fatty acids) in the cell membrane by the action of phospholipase A2. Cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase pathways, compete with one another to form prostaglandins(as well as thromboxane or leukotriene-leukotriene being a bronchial stimulator),
In the cyclooxygenase pathway, the prostaglandins D, E and F plus thromboxane and prostacyclin are made. Thromboxanes are made in platelets and cause constriction of vascular smooth muscle and platelet aggregation
Leukotrienes are made in leukocytes and macrophages via the lipoxygenase pathway. They are potent constrictors of the bronchial airways. They are also important in inflammation and hypersensitivity reactions as they increase vascular permeability.

Being that prostaglandins from either pathway, are still fatty acids of a group, they mediate lipid release and controll tissue metabolization, so fat burning is a luxerry of either pathway of formation. It's the pathway from which they are constructed that dictates "fina cough". As prostaglandins made from the Cyclooxygenase pathway dictate muscle constriction and platlet aggregation, and the Lipoxygenase pathway dictates bronchial constriction(the main form of expulsion)

Cackatoo Press
Columbia Encyclopedia 6th Edition
Science Daily Magazine

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Joined: 3 years ago
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Solid info....

I'll stick this for a while, and find a good place for this later, as reference.....


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Good info. Nice job!

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Ya know I'm a college educated man, but reading that makes me feel like a 2yr. old!!!
You almost need to be a scientist to understand what it's talking about. Mainly the 5th paragraph.
Good info though from what I could gather.


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thanks for posting this.. :beerc

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i was always of the belief that when you get the Tren cough, it was your body's way of trying to clear out whatever solvent, or BA that you used....It usually happens when the Tren is injected, and either a vein is pierced in the process or the product absorbs quickly into the blood(solvent, BA), and coughing is your bodys way of trying to expell it.

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What is strange is that some brands cause the cough and others do not. One of my buddies thought he had fake tren and the testing showed that it was about 1/2 the strength that it was supposed to be. One reason to stay with PROVEN suppliers or make your own.

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Home brew is probably about 50% of what people expect.. even using the crystal meathod you would be very lucky to get 85% yield.. using ba/bb to extrand the tren from pellets is not very efficient but it's still cheap..

lots of ug guys are just homebrewers.. others use powders which yield 100% of claimed amounts.
