Have a question regarding time on vs time off cycle.
I have been looking at a cycle of test e for 10 weeks with a 4 week PCT with a bottle of Osta, followed by a bridge of Osta solo for 4 weeks going into another 10 week Test E cycle.. Question is-- is bridging like this a good idea? And how long should I stay off cycle after the second cycle?
Not a big bridge believer... Either get off for as long as u were on OR blast/cruise.
Get bloods done and you will know when your ready. With cheap blood work its really the best way to tell when your back to normal. If you haven't already seen (Cheap blood work) http://www.privatemdlabs.com/
njd, care to elaborate on how to read the blood work better and know what to look for in details? I wanna get mine done never done before.
Have a question regarding time on vs time off cycle.
I have been looking at a cycle of test e for 10 weeks with a 4 week PCT with a bottle of Osta, followed by a bridge of Osta solo for 4 weeks going into another 10 week Test E cycle.. Question is-- is bridging like this a good idea? And how long should I stay off cycle after the second cycle?
I agree with Tiny Shrek that bridging isn't the best plan. For me, time on=time off, and I only go back on when my bloodwork (Test, FSH, LH, Liver enzymes) is normal.
Agree. Time off = time on plus pct.
njd, care to elaborate on how to read the blood work better and know what to look for in details? I wanna get mine done never done before.
read here
I always get bloods before and after (I am doing my first aas cycle and will get bloods 4 weeks in as well).
usually 2 weeks before to establish levels
then 2 weeks after PCT to make sure Im recovered.
Don't EVER bridge, unless you want to be on TRT for rest of your life. The rule is time on+PCT = time off, but I thing a few weeks more is safer. Blood test advice above is good.