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Testosterone Decanoate? What is it?

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Can't find any info on this it just an other name for an other test....if not tell me about it.

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Brada, I have been wondering the same thing for some time now. Maybe someone can put up some info in the Profiles section.:p

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It's test with the Decanoate ester attached,, very long acting.


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Yeah, like SouthPaw said... it's just test like any other... just a longer ester. It's got a halflife of 17 days or something. It's a good compliment to equipoise (boldenone undecyclenate) which has an equally long halflife.

When using either of these, you should frontload the stuff real heavy, otherwise it'll take forever for blood levels to build up.

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bump to southpaw...

here's a copy and paster for you on the deca ester

Decanoate: This is most commonly used with the hormone nandrolone (as in Deca-Durabolin) and is found in virtually all corners of the world. Testosterone decanoate is also the longest acting ester found in sust250'>sustanon, significantly increasing it's duration of action. The release time with Decanoate compounds is listed to be as long as 30 days, although in reality most athletes find that plasma levels of steroid seem to drop quite a bit after two weeks. To keep blood levels more uniform, athletes typically follow a weekly injection schedule.

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Excellent info guys.:)

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BTW,,, it also comes in gel caps. IMO it's not worth the cash, 400-500mg ed should be used and it's cost/benefit ratio is very poor.
Injectable is nice, as mentioned it needs to front loaded at double the intended dose for 3 wks.


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Quality-Vet makes a product called Neo-Test, it's 250mg/ml and comes in a 10ml vial.

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Anabolics 2002 (page 123) talks about neotest. It says that it is a Loeffler product but I can't find it on the Loeffler website, and, of course, there isn't a picture in the book.

The book compares it in effect to cyp, enanthate, and sustanon (although I'm not too keen on that last comparison). The recommended dosage is somewhere in the range of 500mg/7-10 days.

I have no personal experience with this product, just repeating what the book says.


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i think this shit is a little old, butanyhow....

DECA-DURAROLIN Substance: nandrolone decanoate
Trade Names:
Anaboline 50 mg/ml; Adelco GR
Androlone-D 200 (o.c.) 200 mg/ml; Keene U.S.
Deca-Durabolin 25 mg/ml; Bender A; Donmed South Africa; Organon G, B, CH, D
Deca-Durabolin 50 mg/ml; Organon G, B, CH, DK, ES, FR, GB,U.S, GR, 1, ML, P
Deca-Durabolin '100' 100 mg/ml; Organon NL
Deca-Durabolin 100 mg/ml; Organon GB, GR, Fl, Canada, U.S., Steris U.S.
Deca-Durabolin 200 mg/ml; Steris U.S.
Deca-Durabol 25, 50, 100 mg/ml; Organon S
Elpihormo 50 mg/ml; Chemica GR
Extraboline 50, ml; Genepharm GR
Hybolin Decanoate 50, 100 mg/Ml; Hyrex U.S.
Jebolan 50 mg/ml; Etem TK
Nandrolone Dec. 50, 100, 200 mg/nil; Steris U.S.
Nandrol. Dec. (o.c.) 100 mg/ml; Lyphomed Us, Quad U.S.
Nandrobolic L.A. (o.c.) 100 mg/ml; Forest U.S.
Neo-Durabolic (o.c.) 100, 200 mg/ml; Hauck U.S.
Nurezan 50 mg/ml; RafarmGR
Retabolil 25 mg/ml; Gedeon Richter U,BG
Retabolil 50 mg/ml; Gedeon Richter HU,BG
Retabolin 50 mg/ml; Medexport Russia
Sterobolin (o.c.) 50 mg/ml; Orion FL
Turinabol Depot (o.c.) 50 mg/ml; Jenapharm G
Turinabol Depot 50 mg/ml; Jenapharm BG, CZ
Ziremilon 50 mg/ml; Demo GR
Veterinary: Anabolicum 25 mg/ml; 10 ml/50 ml Bela-Pharm G
Nandrolone 300 mg/ml; Ttokkyo Labs
Norandren 50 50 mg/ml; 10 ml/50 MI. Brovel Mexico

Deca-Durabolin is a brand name of Organon Company, the manu-facturer of the drug containing the substance nandrolone decanoate.

**I edited this info because I moved this thread in to the profile forum and in this forum we do not allow cut and paste info on didn't do anything wrong.


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Right, but aren't you referring to nandrolone decanoate? test decanoate is a whole other ball of wax, isn't it? There are some (or were, or maybe my memory is going) nandrolone cypionates around, but they don't have nearly the same effect as the test cyp.

While I here, and this is slightly off topic, but there is a super-long acting nandrolone laurate (laurabolin or something like that). Is there an equivalent test or is test decanoate about it? Also, anybody know what would happen if somebody fired some test undecanoate (you know, andriol) instead of popping the gel caps?


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THe longest commercially available test ester is test undecanoate. This is what is in the caps South. And you are correct it is crap orally. However it would be a grea adjunct to the nan laurate as both are very long acting. Only problem is that the Laurate is 50mg/ml and the only (injectable)test undec product is/was the BL product. No pharmaceutical company makes it for the public. maybe BL will surprise us. If you inject the stuff in the caps I can almost assure you of an infection or abcess. Unless you really went the whole nine yards and bottled and sterilized it.

Test Decanoate is perfect when used with nan Dec. 14-17 day half lives. Great for front loading. I like the test dec but hate Nandrolone in any form. Makes me all squishy.

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Test Deca and Test Undeca will BOTH be in our new UltraTest product along with Test Base (Suspension), Test Prop, Test Phenylprop, Test Cyp and Test Enan.

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Originally posted by BlackLabel
Test Deca and Test Undeca will BOTH be in our new UltraTest product along with Test Base (Suspension), Test Prop, Test Phenylprop, Test Cyp and Test Enan.

Is that test base suspended in oil ?? personally I would like to see both winstrol suspended in oil and a test base suspended in oil .... Ive made these myself and they are great for site injections ...


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personally I would like to see both winstrol suspended in oil and a test base suspended in oil

Winny in oil, huh? I'm just curious as to why? Less frequent injection schedule? Ability to mix with oil-based steroids? Just curious.

Also, would the dosages be the same? Or would there have to be a dlivery component attached to make it oil-soluble? I've thought about this product too, in case you can't tell, so I was curious as to your take.


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