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Test prop or enanthate?

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save the prop for a cutting cycle (less water retention), and use the enath for bulking.

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Jackedupcrazy, you got me all hyped up. I think I'm gonna start my cycle right now!! Got my syringes in from!!!

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You're gonna blow up. I put 4 plates up on bench before naturally, BUT when I asked my friend if he helped he said
"A little bit." WTF!!!!!!! I was irate because I was maxing out and he helped me out "a little bit". For me if you pull with your pinky finger the shit doesn't count. That was two years ago. I haven't really been using the barbell for about 6 months. I jumped from 385lbs when I started four weeks 425lbs now. I always had a strong bench but this is much nicer!!! So I had another friend of mine spot me on 425lbs and specifically told him not to touch it and I was MONEY.
That got me EXCITED!!!!!!!! I was a machine in there. You'll feel invincible when it kicks in. Hope this jacks you up a little more. Good luck my friend.


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Originally posted by R1300ZX
save the prop for a cutting cycle (less water retention), and use the enath for bulking.

Said it before and I'll say it again. There is no difference in sides between the different esters of test. The ester has no effect on how the test works... only how slowly it's released into your system. Test is test. Doesn't matter if you use prop or decanoate... once the ester is hydrolized... you're left with straight testosterone. Water retention, aromatization, size, strength are all the same no matter what kind of test you use (unless it's methyltest or test undecanoate... but that's a different story. It's molecular structure is different than that of normal testosterone).

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Naturemade- So what did you decide on your dosages? I am your exact stats & was thinking of a similar cycle- just wondering

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I decided on test 400mg/deca 300mg. Might as well get the most of my first cycle. 😉

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