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Test prop or enanthate?

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Ok guys, I've decided to do my first cycle consisting of 400mg test e/300mg Deca. I have my gear sitting here at home. 1 deca america 10ml vial 400mg/ml and 2 deca america test enanthate 10ml vial 300mg/ml. I was thinking of switching to a fast acting test like Test Prop. I would have a long ass time ago if it weren't for the fact that it would have to be Dragon Pharma prop and don't exactly know if it is as good.
Would it be a good idea to switch?
Should I use the test prop and test-E?
How much test prop should I use?

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Ok, so you set your goals, which I'm guessing are mass, based on your gear.... Then you came up with a plan.. then you gathered your goods.. now you are set to go....... SO WHY CHANGE IT?!?!?!

If you are going for mass, enth will do you well anyway.....

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I agree with TS.
Hit up your cycle the way you planned it.

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You guys are right, but i'm not any kind of hurry. The only reason I decided to change plans was because it takes like 4-5 weeks to see any results with these slow acting test. Thanx

Titaniumspine thanx for all your help, you seem to always be the first to help and quick to respond with any question.

Thanx guys

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No problem naturemade. That is what we're all here for.....

As for your reply, you contradicted yourself... You said you aren't in a hurry, but then said you wanted to do the prop because you don't feel the other's will act quick enough.....

Slow, steady, quality gains win the race and are more keepable.... Hit up the cycle as planned my friend......

Chest Rockwell
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Bump for sticking with the enanthate. You're set to go. You should get good gains off that combo.

TS is the first on the posts because...unfortunately most of us have jobs. 😉

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What I meant was that i wasn't in a hurry to start the cycle but once I do its kind of sad to have to wait 4-5 weeks to see any changes.
But I will stick to my original cycle, just wanted to make sure.
Thanx again

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I do have 200 d/bol tabs. Should I throw in a few for 6 weeks tapering between 15-30mg ed? thanx

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Hey, Chesty, easy.... I'm working "full time" again... just from home...... lol...... You beat me to several posts every now and then... what is your excuse?! lol......

As far as effects, you won't have 0 effect then week 5 wham, your a monster.... The first 4 weeks will just be less dramatic. You could throw in 20 to 30mg a day.... You are getting higher for overall dosage than I would prefer based on your experience/history, but the Dbol would kick it up for you at the beginning.

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Actually one option you can do is.......BUT I AM NOT SURE IF YOU ARE READY FOR IT........... is use the test prop during the 1st 4 weeks at 50 mg EOD.....this will give you the benifit of the test kicking in until the enth starts to really kick, but if you only have a few cycles under your belt don't do it.

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This is my first cycle so I don't want to over do it. But its interesting that wham I suddenly get bigger and become a monster at the fitfth week, lol. I might drop those dosages to 300mg/test and 200mg/deca, not sure yet because I will have too much juice left over.
How much less will I gains if I drop the dosage?

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what are your stats again?

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Right now I weigh 183-185lbs, 5'10 and 20 years old. Been working out since I was like 15. I got 15% body fat at this moment but it should lower by now because i started working out again after a couple months of much needed rest.

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IMO- You'd be happier with the results if you kept the dosages in the higher side. Those "higher" dosages would be considered low by some of the vets on this board. I think 400mgs/wk of test and 300mgs Deca/wk would be really nice for your size. I'm starting the beginning of week 5 tomorrow. My bench went through the roof this week. I can't wait to see what happens. You don't see too many guys 5'8" 22yrs old benching 425lbs at 230lbs and still seeing the abs!!! lol 😉 Don't mean to brag, but thats an all time high for me.
T400 and Geneza Deca 300 for my first cycle. It is the same as you would run in dosages. I was once over 218lbs but my bf was MUCH higher last I'm 230lbs. and not looking too bad.
I started out at roughly 212lbs in case you were wondering.
I have competed in a couple BB shows...all natural and won the second show. Took second in the first show, but the dude was JUICED up crazy. He even admitted to it...bastard!!! lol But I have been training for almost 8 yrs now. I have good genetics and I can't wait to see what happens in the next couple weeks. My bench was always a good lift for me to test myself on strength and this week really just put me over the edge. If I keep 15-20lbs I will be extremely happy and it'll be well worth the investment. Hell, even 10lbs wouldn't be bad. I competed at 189lbs shredded last April(the second show)...and my goal is to compete at 205lbs at 4-5%bf. That would be sometime next September.
All I have to say my friend is EAT EVERYTHING IN SIGHT!!!!!
It does not matter. Get tons of protein....train like Lee Priest....sauce....and watch yourself grow!!! I gained about 15lbs in the first 3 weeks...mostly water of you will see some changes more'll look thicker...weigh more....but week 4 was the breaking point for me. I wasn't tooting my own horn, just giving you something to not only compare to, but also look forward to.
Good luck my friend. Take care.


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T-Spine was the man telling me to keep the dosages lower. I was going to run 100mgs EOD of Prop. for the first 5 weeks. Glad I didn't because hell its my first time and I think that would have been a little much. I needed to see how the shit was going to affect me and what I'm seeing now if more than enough. I knew a lot about nutrition, dieting for shows, working out....but nothing about AAS until I joined this BAD ASS board last May. Plus, I don't need the p's thinking something is up!!! LMAO If I gain another 10lbs I will have to keep a long sleeve shirt on all the time. And I wouldn't doubt it at all. Thanks for the advice has paid off for me.


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