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Test Cream/Gel?

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Is there a "trick" to making a test cream from test? Would you start with test suspension, or could you use test cyp? Would any of these be absorbed through the skin? I hate needles, and I'm only looking for a moderate boost for HRT (I'm 41). I'm pretty sure I could get a prescription, but that stuff is ridiculously exensive!

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There is an actual test gel you can get if you search around. I am sure if you make it right that some will absorb, but I don't think it would be worth it.

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even the test gel only gets like a max of 100mg in your body. I'd just do the real deal, especially with a expensive could it be.

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The pin is the only way to go bruddah. After you've push through one time, you'll laugh at the nerves and be loving life.

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ive used a 5mg packet of that androgel shit and it sucks

this is test cream you get on perscription for old guys and i tried it when i was natural and didnt feel a thing

i would shoot Test Cyp and get a scrip for hrt test isnt expensive anyway

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There is an actual test gel you can get if you search around. I am sure if you make it right that some will absorb, but I don't think it would be worth it.

It might be worth it to pretend it some new type of massage cream for the wife. hehehehehehe :boink

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If you do make it your self you need test base powder, do not use an estered version of test it will not absorb very well. I think Powernutrition carries a T-gel. It is made for transdermals and can hold up to 10g of a given powder. You just take 10g of test powder and mix it with the T-gel, I am not sure if you have to heat it or not... People have said it work very well, obviously not as well as an inject but if you are that scared to inject it is a good alternative.

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Why would you do that when you can get the gear in paper form? Seems like you're trying to reinvent the wheel when you don't need to.

No need for needles when there's paper!


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Why would you do that when you can get the gear in paper form? Seems like you're trying to reinvent the wheel when you don't need to.

No need for needles when there's paper!


I dont understand???

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Why would you do that when you can get the gear in paper form? Seems like you're trying to reinvent the wheel when you don't need to.

No need for needles when there's paper!

I've seen that paper version.But dose it really work?

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if you get it from the one and only real paper supplier, you'll like it.

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If your talking about the cat they are just oral methyls on paper arnt they...
