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Tadger's Summer Cycle

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Well things just got under way. I'm lookin at doin sumthin like this.

week 1-4(5?) Dbol 30-40mg/day
week 1-2 test 1000mg/week
week 1-2 nandrolone 800mg/week
week 3-10 test 500mg/week
week 3-10 nandrolone 400mg/week
week 6-10 winny 50mg/day

I'm still playing with the idea of dropping the deca after using up one vial of nandrolona 300 and then just switching to EQ for the last few weeks. I figure the sooner the deca is out of my system the better.

I plan on running some metformin the last few weeks of the cycle... not sure of the timing on that as of yet. I'm gonna do 850mg/day probably.

I'm probably gonna run clomid @ 50mg eod throughout. I usually don't recommend running clomid through an entire cycle, but seeing as I'm somewhat prone to gyno I'm gonna give it a go. I know that it'll keep my lipid levels in check which is never a bad thing. I have some arimidex on the way... and I'll probably throw that in there when it shows up but for right now it's just the clomid.

Post cycle, I'm gonna run clomid of course. I was thinking about HCG, but I'll forgo that for now. I do have some piracetam so I'll use that at the end. Clomid/piracetam did me pretty well when I had to scrap my fina/winny cycle. I was a little low on the clomid so I threw the piracetam in there 800mg 2x/day and that definitely helped.

Anyway...comments, suggestions, ideas?

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Apparently you are a fan of front loading.... lol.... What type of test are you using? I don't know if I'd throw that much deca at the beginning, on top of that much test....

Cycle definitely has promise....

What are you going for, mass?

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Yeah... I'm runnin T400 so it's basically cyp/enanthate. I've never really done the whole frontloading thing and figured that I'd give it a go. It's all long halflife stuff so I figure it's a good way to get blood levels higher faster.

I'm hoping to just put on some pretty decent size. Bodyfat isn't really much of a concern usually, but I'm probably gonna try to cut up a little near the end. It's mostly cuz I got a couple people in particular that I want to impress come the end of may, otherwise it would be straight up bulking. heh heh heh.

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cycle looks pretty decent, but i don't know if I would drop the test down to 500mg....personally I would run it at the 1000 the whole way through but if you were to drop it, then I would go with 750mg.......but everything else looks good to me

just my thoughts

Eminent Member
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i was planning on running a similar cycle with sus - and was looking to try the frontloading concept with it & deca and possibly switch to cyp & eq for the last 5 weeks. i dont know when you were starting this program but id be interested in hearing how you made out. it sounds like a solid program.
