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I always find the pictures but seldom do I see an overview of the drug so here is something I found on another site. May be here already I just couldnt find it.

Synthol is a SEO (site enhancement oil) used to increase the size of smaller muscles such as biceps, triceps and all three heads of the delts. This would seem similar to a breast implant to most but there is a profound difference.

There is a strong tissue that encases each muscle called fascia. It acts to contain the muscle bindles and fibers like a water balloon acts to contain the liquid. In many cases an athlete reaches a point where growth is nonexistent due to the fascia balloon being too full thus blocking further growth or expansion of the muscle. Like a water balloon fascia can be stretched. By injecting a SEO directly into a muscle belly the total volume of the muscle mass is increased resulting in a stretching effect upon the fascia. More room means a greater potential for growth.

Second is the growth stimulating effects realized when a muscle is stretched. One of which is the localize release of IGF-1 (Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1). Many are aware of the anabolic effects of IGF-1…and SEO induce stretching

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The genesis of Synthol was an Italian steroid called Esiclene that was quite popular in the 1980's. For those unfamiliar with Esiclene, it was not used for lasting mass gains but instead immediately before a contest as a quick fix for visually weak body parts. Acting primarily as a muscle inflammatory agent, competitors injected it directly into the calves, arms, or shoulders for a bit of extra size and fullness in whichever of these smaller muscle groups were lagging. The effect was fleeting, but the drug served its purpose. In the early 90's, a German named Chris Clark began to tinker with the idea of an injectable substance that would yield more lasting gains in size. He came up with a formulation initially named Synthol, which he later learned was already a registered and trademarked pharmaceutical name. Clark quickly renamed his product Pump N' Pose, but the first name stuck. Now, the word Synthol is as much a part of the hardcore bodybuilding lexicon as Dbol'>Dianabol or Deca. Clark hit upon a gold mine, as there were thousands of steroid-using bodybuilders who were dissatisfied with the size of their arms, delts, and calves. Let's face it, few have the genetics to build an upper arm of twenty inches or more in lean condition, even with a boatload of anabolics and the most brutal training regimens imaginable.

One of its first users was a German strongman who billed himself as having "the world's largest arms" at 27 inches. Now, though the effect is quite obvious, as the Synthol-enhanced muscles take on shapes never found on any actual human being, you can go to any contest or large fitness expo and see several men who have injected enough oil into their bi's and tri's to satisfy their most extreme desires. Gains of two inches or more in the arms alone are quite commonplace. Synthol is also commonly used in the side delts and calves, as was Esiclene. Ironically, it is available legally, since the $400 bottles are labeled as posing oil. You sure could buy a lot of baby oil with 400 smackeroos! Despite the high price tag, its makers have found it difficult at times to keep up the worldwide demand from bodybuilders.

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Valintino; what a dumb ass.

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Would you agree that Mr. Valentino has a bit of a mental condition.......Its visually appearent. I think less "Dumb Ass" and more "Poor guy". We all have problems, its only we can see GV's & and other Snythol abusers.
It's Unfortunate
:cents REXIE

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the sad thing is that it looks like Valentino actually looked good at one point in that young picture. poor guy. ok maybe not....complete retard. lol

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What the fuck did he have removed in that "post removal" picture. I thought synthol was an oil that you eventually just absorbed into your body. By the way I used to have that magazine with those pics in it when i first started working out. It was like an 8 page article on him and even though I didn't know dick about bbing at the time i still knew he was a fucking idiot. I don't know why anyone would want that look.

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Read the new issue of Muscular Development in that meatheads ramblin'freak column. He's still having surgeries from all of the synthol abuse. However this time, in the column and in the pictures he claims that a spider bit his tricep and made it get infected and swell like that. I think that he's still having complications from shooting up all of the oil. It's so much to look forward to to have dumb looking swollen muscles. I'm going to try Olive Oil in my left bicep and some baby oil in my other one.. then if that works,, well maybe some in my pee-pee. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.. I know... I'm cool

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Read the new issue of Muscular Development in that meatheads ramblin'freak column. He's still having surgeries from all of the synthol abuse. However this time, in the column and in the pictures he claims that a spider bit his tricep and made it get infected and swell like that. I think that he's still having complications from shooting up all of the oil. It's so much to look forward to to have dumb looking swollen muscles. I'm going to try Olive Oil in my left bicep and some baby oil in my other one.. then if that works,, well maybe some in my pee-pee. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.. I know... I'm cool

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my fav is the picture that says "This man make even seasoned Olympians look like beginers". I damn near Sh!t myself when i read that.

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I injected 150mls of synthol in each tri over a 1 month period and had no sides, its just the stupid people like valentino that give it a bad rap, it looks sick and is not by any means muscular.. but i gained about a inch or maybe 2 and had no bad problems from it...

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I injected 150mls of synthol in each tri over a 1 month period and had no sides, its just the stupid people like valentino that give it a bad rap, it looks sick and is not by any means muscular.. but i gained about a inch or maybe 2 and had no bad problems from it...
I agree completely, I have no problem with anyone using this product. Its just that I think the kids and young adults that read his articles and see his site before they get to the good info, like this site gives, will try to be like him and end up hurting themselves or looking like a joke!!!! :beerc

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I agree with you wheelz 100%

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I've seen people on it and you'd never know. I never knew until Tren brought it to my attention about a couple guys at my gym...not including him.

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Your right Jacked you would never of known with most of those people, but still some of them you would have to wonder about though, you know the ones that come in and do 3 sets of curls and have 22 inch arms...

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very true.

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