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Supplementing Test Levels

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What are the over 35 crowd's thoughts on supplementing test levels, when not on cycle? And if so what doses?


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I have always had depression after cycles, and I experience lots of other problems too. I am planning on just doing my own long term TRT. I plan on doing long low dosage cycles from here on out. I will be doing this as an experiment to see first hand how this works out.

I will be using several esters over time to get an idea , but prolly Cyp for me. Dosages, I will be doing 400 a week for this up coming cycle. I will inject twice a week. I respond very well to test so a low dosage is all I need.

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Very good subject Stoneface.
I like to prescribe my "mature" clients theraputic doses in order to achieve there goals. I have seen to many fall very low into the pits once there cycle comes to an end.

Slammer, your deffinately on the right track.
I usually prescribe(I'm not a doctor but I like using that my male clients Test at 400-600mg for 10-12 weeks in conjunction with aromasin(Exemestane). The dose is moderate and combining it with the Arom increases its effectiveness.

Once the cycle is over, a theraputic post cycle therapy of Nolvadex/HCG will be more than enough to get the natural hormones on line again and since the Test dose was not too high, the user will not feel to deprived after the cycle is over.

Taking this method up another notch would involve the use of HGH. Alternating between Test and HGH will produce gains year round and keep the individual healthy.

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Solid reply Cardi.....I like the info you have to share as it is real world, first hand info. Not a cut/paste from another post or board.

A big ghetto bump to my Thug Mod bro.

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I like the last part about HGH since my clients that do this seem to not only continue to improve but the joint pain associated with getting older and pushing our bodies seems to go away.

Many retired NFL players rely on HGH to be able to walk etc. without pain. The pension they get allows them to get the best guidance and products.

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Originally posted by BacardiSlang
Very good subject Stoneface.
I like to prescribe my "mature" clients theraputic doses in order to achieve there goals. I have seen to many fall very low into the pits once there cycle comes to an end.

Slammer, your deffinately on the right track.
I usually prescribe(I'm not a doctor but I like using that my male clients Test at 400-600mg for 10-12 weeks in conjunction with Aromasin(Exemestane). The dose is moderate and combining it with the Arom increases its effectiveness.

Once the cycle is over, a theraputic post cycle therapy of Nolvadex/HCG will be more than enough to get the natural hormones on line again and since the Test dose was not too high, the user will not feel to deprived after the cycle is over.

Taking this method up another notch would involve the use of HGH. Alternating between Test and HGH will produce gains year round and keep the individual healthy.

Is Aromasin any better than Arimidex, and if so why? Is this a cycle you prescribe between cycles?

Thanks for all the input so far.

