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So i had a talk with my local "pharmacist"

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i went to look for prices since im gonna start my first cycle. this is what i was planning.....
40mg of Dbol for 7weeks
500mg of test enanthate for 12weeks
so........ i went to talk with my pharmacist and he was telling me that i would be taking waaaaaaaayy to much of both. he told me to go for only 10 or max 20mg of dbol and about 200mg of test. im by no means huge (5'10/175lbs) but it just seemed to be too low. or start off with low mg's in both and then each two weeks step some up and then like in week 8 or 9 start down again. would that work too?

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for the most part medical doc's and pharmacists dont have a clue on steroids and doses. most of there studies are done on cancer patients . that dose he suggested is barely above your natural Testosterone production. its barely a replacements therapy. 500mgs doesnt sound to bad to me to start off with.

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for the most part medical doc's and pharmacists dont have a clue on steroids and doses. most of there studies are done on cancer patients . that dose he suggested is barely above your natural testosterone production. its barely a replacements therapy. 500mgs doesnt sound to bad to me to start off with.

this is very true...i am studying to become a pharmacist. i have found out that almost all their info on gear is from patients with cancer and people with muscular atrophy. although, some pharmacists could give you great info. just be weary for the type of person who tells you the wrong info because he is against gear and thinks he's making a difference by setting one person straight with incorrect information. ALWAYS check your sources of info...cross reference all the time, then double check it!!

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IMO - 500mg's of test should be your minimum. Just remember your PCT.

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i agree with bonezone. anything less than 500mg a week is not enough.

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i agree with bonezone. anything less than 500mg a week is not enough.

Throw in some anti-e's with that cycle. i would never run D-bol with out some anti-e. D-bol is the reason I'm paying hospital bills now. (gyno surgery)

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here's my question. Why in the hell would you ask a pharmacist anyway? Unless it's a tight friend, I wouldn't go spilling the beans to anyone.

Chest Rockwell
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He put "pharmacist" in quotes so maybe he means his local guru/dealer instead of a legitimate pharmacist.

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an average male produces around 50mgs of testosterone (naturally, i believe, but i could be wrong) per week. so, even your pharmacist is giving you a high number. i agree with the D-bol advice, im not a big fan of it and it's hard on your liver....

but im with the boys, 500mgs of test a week is a great can always bump up your dose.

there are other variables to consider for a first cycle. do you have large nipples? this is a good indication that gyno may be a problem for you. make sure you have some Nolvadex handy (nolva is always good to run with test anyways IMO.) you don't want to completely "rid" your body of estrogen (eg~arimidex) as you need minimal amounts for muscle growth, but, if you tend to have above average positive estrogen receptor sites in your body, nolvadex is a great way to help combat aromatization.

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an average male produces around 50mgs of testosterone (naturally, i believe, but i could be wrong) per week..
No, you are right. On average - 7 to 10 mg a day so it's 50 to 70 a week. 500 mg for 175 lbs is not too excessive. As for d-bal, I always use a rule of thumb: 5 mg per 25 lbs of body weight. So in your case that would be 35 mg/day for 6 or 7 weeks.

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i wouldn't run the dbol for more than four weeks, jmo

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i wouldn't run the dbol for more than four weeks, jmo

me too.....any strong oral such as halo or Anadrol should be ran for only short periods of time. they are really hard on your liver. yes, these are all 17aa's (anavar, a-bombs, winstrol etc) but, some are harder on your liver than others..

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You were talking to the WRONG person... Not because you should be worried lol but because unless he is a BBer and I mean hardcore one he doesnt have a clue... Heck my wife and myself are friends with no fewer then 5 Pharmacists as my wife works with them or has at one time or another and a couple of them know my past usage etc and honestly had one come to me for advice to a relative of hers!! and thats a fact lol... She knows the chemistry but you cant beat our knowledge either as seasoned vets... He gave you the more then likely prescribed amount of test which is 200mgs/week to 2 weeks and sometimes even monthly... Yeah monthly which isnt even good for its purpose to moderately boost the test levels... Most docs and others that work in the field will not know nor will they tell you even if they did as it could be a liability issue on them...

Truth is your dosages are fine... A good test enanthate should be ran a min of 12 weeks if you want lasting results and a moderate dosage of 500mgs is acceptable... If your seasoned the 500mgs would only be the starting point.. However if your a novice to midline the 500mgs is fair and you will see nice results.. not mind blowing... but nice and after 12 plus weeks of hard nutritien and weightlifting then you will be pleased... The dbol is honestly going to be the eye candy to get the test going... The dbol is going to start giving you the pumps at the start of about your 1st week and the added strength is really nice as well however alot of it is water and the water does leave... You need to understand the true muscle being built takes time and thats why I say 12 weeks min on the true meat of the cycle which is the test... I would RECOMMEND EQ or Deca added and it ran the same length of time as the test... You dont have to but it would aid you in kept muscle mass and both need to be ran again 12 weeks as both are long lasting esters!!

If you want to cut anything its the eye candy gear like dbol... but I would throw it in as well to be honest... It gets you motiviated... 30 to 40mgs is about avg a day... Test avg is probably 500 to 1k mgs for the avg user... and of course some of our meat heads use much more but hey!!!! WE LOVE IT...

Keep pumpin bro


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well...ive been lifting for 5yrs now, but im trying to get a good cycle since it will be my first. as u can see from my registered date, ive been here for a while and all ive been doing is trying to get knowledge. still havent been able to form my first cycle, but i think it will be pretty close to the one i put here on top. maybe the mg's will be a bit different and probably wont follow the pharmacists advice. one more thing....why is nipple size a factor? but i guess mine are pretty small, i can probably cover them with a dime....what does that mean? i thought i had it down with d-bol and test? didnt think i would need anything else. guess ill just keep reading. dont want to get hurt in any way.

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The dbol dosing is too high IMO....20-25mg is plenty for a 175 pounder...hell I weigh 230 and 20mg a day is enough to have me gaining weight and be JUST on the verge of my nipple being sensitive...

As for the testosterone, I usually do 200-250mg the first week of my cycle to "ramp up" and then keep a minimum of 500mg a week after that...going up to about 750mg....

I have been up to a gram a week on test and just found it to be a waste, as I've gained just as much from 500mg/750mg than I have 1000mg.
