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Sex after steroids? From a wife

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Is there??? DH finished first cycle about 10-12 weeks ago. He is 38 years old. Did the HCG and something else after cycle was through. His "boys" are just coming back, but sex drive is zero. Will there ever be???

I found these two "side effects" on DH basically "slams" these kinds of sites, but I didn't really know where else to go, until he told me I could ask questions here. Are they true? What now? I know he is planning to do another cycle. If this is what happens I really wish he wouldn't but I don't think that will change his mind - after all, without a sex drive what does it matter anyway. (Except for me of course)

k) Impotence
This side effect is one of the most disturbing to hear about. It’s one of the side effects that turns most steroid users into ex-steroid users if you know what I mean. Basically, what happens is when first a person first takes Anabolic Steroids, they typically feel a slight increase in sexual function. But this is only temporary until your body becomes accustomed to (and dependant on) the steroid in its system. Once the body adjusts to make up for the additional hormones, users feel less sexual desire, and men may not even be capable of maintaining an erection. Some bodybuilders say that this is a temporary issue. When you cycle off of the steroid, your body should eventually begin producing Testosterone at its normal rate. But, this is not always the case. In fact, your body may never recover from this! Many ex-steroid users are condemned to a life of testosterone therapy for them to even feel normal again.

o) Lower Testosterone Production
It may seem crazy but steroid use will result in lower natural production of testosterone. First, you need to know that steroids are just synthetic versions of natural male sex hormone, testosterone. When they are used over a any period of time, the body will become somewhat dependant on the steroid. The longer you supplement your body with testosterone, the less your body will produce. This is what leads to many of the above side effects. To combat this, many bodybuilders feel they should cycle steroids. The theory is that you should take breaks between your steroid use in order to give your body time to recover its own testosterone production. However this is not an exact science! Any steroid use will result in lower natural testosterone production! There is no way to tell how long it will take before serious repercussions set in. Sometimes the natural cycle never completely recovers. And because testosterone is produced in the testicles, testicle shrinkage often occurs.

--Wife who is crazy about her husband! πŸ˜‰

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He should not ''slam" these kinds of sites. He should get on here, and learn about PCT.

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That was the other thing he took after the HCG... it was PCT. He frequents this site and (or something like that) to get most of his info.

Yes, he did use PCT. Still nada in the sex drive department. Nothing!

iroc swole
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tell him to take a viagra or cialis and turn him on by doing something. never fails.

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Well we need to know exactly what happened and what he did as far as cycle and pct. when did he start his pct? I have just the opposite problem. My wife fights me off before, during and after.

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HCG is PCT. PCT = Post cycle therapy. It should include HCG to get your nuts back up to size. If he had atrophy so bad, he should have used HCG during his cycle, to prevent it.
PCT should also include Clomid to get the sperm count back up.
As for his sex drive it needs to repair itself naturally and it will when his natural test starts to kick in. In order to speed it up, I'd suggest a sexual stimulant like horny goat weed or something of the like.
As for impotence....Impotence has nothing to do with steroid use. I've used sterioids for many many years and the day I can't get it up is the day I stop, but rest assured this is a whole nother problem all together.
It sounds like DH needs to plan his cycle and PCT a little better next time and could stand to hang around boards like this to do some more research.

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Bump to the fellas,, sounds like he ran the wrong cycle to begin with or certain dosages were too low. If he'll run the right cycle, you'll be beating him off with a stick,,, literally !!! ( my wife can't wait till I get off cycle )

iroc swole
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thats what im thinkin. i take test and i am a "horny goat weed"

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if he is thinking about running another cycle he should wait until everything returns to normal. it seems to me also that he ran deca higher then test if any test at all. if thats what he ran then that will trash your functions for quite some time. and if he ran hcg 10-12 weeks ago and his nuts are now just coming back to size then it wasnt run right. that should have you back to size in a week. some more info would be more helpful, but for some reason, i sense a mistake was made in pct or during the cycle

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( my wife can't wait till I get off cycle )

LOL ! My wife feels the same way Wedge. She is always asking when my cycle is going to finish, because she can't even bend over with out me being all over her. :blunt

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that site is right. i'm proof of that.. and I'm 23.

From my 3rd cycle it took around 8-9 months before I fully regained my sex drive... I was supplementing ZMA at night and occasionally some clomid for 2 week cycles. Brought me right back up. Now I'm done cycle 4... been around 2 months, I'm still not totally back yet... it takes time.

Tell him to try some ZMA 1/2 hour before bed on an empty stomach for around 3-4 days... be sure not to have sex / release for those days. YOu don't want his body to have to struggle to keep bringing up his test levels because he keeps depleating them daily.. give it a few weeks of no sex, no release, PCT, ZMA, even horny goat weed... bring his natural test levels back up to par and let his body produce on that level for a while.

It took me a lot of research and a few doctors to figure out what to do and how to do it. But I'm back... so no worries, your hubby will be fine. Just be patient. πŸ™‚

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bumpin nocarrier. zma is a great supplement and imo should be a part of every pct

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Why no sex and no release? Bustin' a nut releases testosterone. I'm of the opposite mind, I think you should try and force yourself back into your usual sexual habits after a cycle. If you can't get it up enough for sex then just spank it. πŸ˜€

M $

Yeah, I'm spanking it just looking at your avatar πŸ˜€

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Why no sex and no release? Bustin' a nut releases testosterone. I'm of the opposite mind, I think you should try and force yourself back into your usual sexual habits after a cycle. If you can't get it up enough for sex then just spank it. πŸ˜€

M $

you answered your own question. it releases tesosterone, meaning your testosterone levels are reduced... now if he already has a reduced testosterone level, you don't want to bring it down even more. Instead you keep your test levels up, and keep increasing it with the supplements I mentioned above, and your usual clomid / nolvadex works wonders too. Trust me, it took me a while (lots of reading, many doctors, and experimenting) to figure out how to get myself back up and running at normal levels.

iroc swole
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nocarrier, who the hell is that in your sig bro? thats hillarious. lol

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