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Security Question

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now if you send an email from cyber-rights to a cyber-rights acount i know it is secure and encrypted,but if you ad a "cc" address that is not cyber,it says it wont be encrypted,does anyone know if just the second isnt encrypted or if they both wont be due to the one email ur sending that isnt a cyber account?

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i think its just the one going to the non-cyber-rights addy.

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From how I understand it, the message to both are unsecure. If I am right it is because inorder to secure it it must encryt it before it sends it out, and when you add the second email addy you are actually just sending one email to be copied to the other address....therefore the whole email won't be secure......

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Bump for BigJim. Besides, none of them are totally safe. It's only your key that is really encrypted... hard to explain without getting all technical. Put it this way. If someone wants to read your mail enough, they will. That doesn't mean you shouldn't make them have to work harder for it though... 😉

Just send the encrypted one, then forward the sent email or copy and paste the original text into a new email to send to the "cc"

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thnx guys,i have had mixed answers on this,but i think this one is correct,otherwise they would tell you the one is atleast secure,it would be better for biz if it were so and im sure they would anounce that,lol
