hey guys. I've ran a few cycles already and had a question about just running the same cycle over and over again. I haven't used very many different compounds. but I was fortunate enough to try tren on my second cycle.(ya I know) and I fell in love. I take very well to it and my sides are nowhere near as bad as everyone else I hear that has taken it.
ive ran
test -c 500mg for 12 weeks
Dbol 25mg 4 weeks, test c 500mg 13 weeks, Tren A ce 350mg last 6 weeks
prop 125mg and Tren ace 450mg (best cycle ever) 8 weeks
my question is, can I just run prop and tren ace cycles forever.?
do 8 weeks on, pct, then 8 weeks off. and repeat?
have any of y'all tried this? and my next questions is will I be needing to bump my tren up a large amount to get good results every cycle I do? or does the body not become tolerant to the previous dosages I did. I don't wanna be bangin 2 grams of tren a few years from now because I've grown immune to it lol.
thanks guys.
Define forever
touché. for as long as I do aas. and I plan on doing them for as long as I possibly can (forever).
I've loved the outcome of a short cycle. and everyone talks about there being nothing better than tren for whatever reason you wish to use it for. so I don't see a point in going with other "lesser" compounds.
You certainly could. However, I'd advise switching the prop out for a longer ester (like test e or c) and using an oral too. The reason being the ridiculous amount of injections involved having you develop scar tissue at the injection sites.
Of course, ignore the above if you're mixing the prop and tren before injecting, and are using a good 25g-27g needle.
You certainly could. However, I'd advise switching the prop out for a longer ester (like test e or c) and using an oral too. The reason being the ridiculous amount of injections involved having you develop scar tissue at the injection sites.
Of course, ignore the above if you're mixing the prop and tren before injecting, and are using a good 25g-27g needle.
I agree
Only way to tell for sure is get bloodwork done, and done often. Then you can see if your developing a problem. Or you could just wait until you have a stroke or shit your liver out one morning. Then come back here and make a wtf post.
Run it as long as it works
me and tren are geting married so fuck off.its mine all mine.
does using tren for long periods of time (with proper cycling and pct and time off) cause any bad health problems? I'm talking about just tren. not aas usage in general. since I will be doing prop and tren cycles forever.