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Police testing

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Easy fellas...
A question for the North americans

my roommate wants to be a cop some day. But he's been watching me grow and wants in too. Does anyone know if they test for juice when you apply. I know they do test for other shit (coke, weed) but do they test for AAS.

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Not at all.
From what the fellers on the site have explained, it costs too much to test for AS and they wont test unless there is a reason to do so.

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So i should hook him up

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my buddy is in school for that right now and he says they do not test but will ask in the interview.

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Sure, hook him up.
Im hooking up a buddy of mine who will go active in the Army after his cycle. Just tell your buddy, if they ask him if he ever used gear, to say "NO".
Also, tell your buddy not to mention he lifts weights. Tell him to mention he takes up recreational sports like baseball, basketball, or hockey......I wouldnt mention football.

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Judging from the name I assume your from ontario and no police force in ontario tests for sauce. They may ask during the interview but all he has to say is he hasn't.


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Cardi no offense bro but we're talking about being a cop and I think they'd sacrifice the extra money to know whether or not a guy sauced. Put it this way, my little brother is in the Air Force and he told me that they'll run a test for sauce if they think you're on. I would tell your buddy to be REALLY careful and maybe use something that passes through the system quickly, if at all. Chances are they won't test him for it, BUT....THEY WILL MOST LIKELY GIVE HIM A POLYGRAPH. Both my friends got RIPPED APART for hours under a polygraph. So ask him if thats something he really wants to lie about. Its a chance.
Good luck to him in whatever route he chooses.


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I know many police agencies in the US give Polygraph exams, and yes, they ask about EVERTHING!

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that may be true in the states but in Canada polygraphs are not allowed because they are not 100 % effective.

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In a pre-employment drug screen, they will not test for AS, just your standard drugs, ...... but they will ask him during a polygraph, or even on his initial application.... They are some departments that say right on the app, that if you have ever injected ANY illegal drug, you are disqualified from employment.... I would advise him to say NO to all questions of AS use, as far as other illegal drugs, the key is that the usage was in the past, and that he NEVER plans on useing them again..... once you are hired, most departments have unions, who are very powerful, and you can't be tested out of the blue for drug use.. there are very strict policies/wording they have to follow to drug test someone ....

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I don't know about where all of you are from but around here all the cops are on AS. Hell if your friend will hold out and wait until he gets on the force he will surley find some of his fello law enforcement buddies shooting up..That is a guarantee I will stick by. My opinion is that he has nothing to worry about..

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Originally posted by MrBig01
that may be true in the states but in Canada polygraphs are not allowed because they are not 100 % effective.

I agree completely that they are not 100% effective. HOWEVER, they are a tool that is utilized to determine if a canditate will be truthful. The theory is that if they will lie to get the job, they will lie to keep it. There are states where the polygraph is innadmissable in court. However, it is able to be used as part of pre-employment screening.......

What you do before you get hired and what you can "get away with" once you are already a member of the team are two different things. Civil Service jobs are very desireable right now, and there is a lot of competition. Any little thing that they can find to dump you from the roster, they will cuz it will save them money on other tests or investigation in the long run, and will also make their final selection easier with less candidates...

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I was just going to say the same thing. There are DEFINITELY two different areas we are talking about.
BEING A MEMBER OF THE POLICE FORCE and TRYING TO BECOME ONE. Once you know the ins and outs of any company and have become situated a bit bending the rules is a little easier. Trust me when I say the police force does not want rejects as cops. Those are the ones who will be the most crooked. The government isn't hiring people to help break the law, but to maintain it. I personally would take it very seriously to be asked a question on AAS'S during a polygraph. Shit just may hit the fan. Just tell your friend he's taking a chance if he does. If doesn't mind lying about the usage then thats his perogative.


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Don't wanna stir the pot here, but as far as I know in canada the only agency that uses the polygraph is someplace in B.C. and your told b4 you apply.

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Originally posted by jackedupcrazy
Cardi no offense bro but we're talking about being a cop and I think they'd sacrifice the extra money to know whether or not a guy sauced. Put it this way, my little brother is in the Air Force and he told me that they'll run a test for sauce if they think you're on.

Actually, being a cop they probably don't have the money for it. As for the armed forces, if you fly, they're pretty picky about what they will let you get away with. Be real careful about anything that will increase your blood pressure or make you dizzy. If you're infantry or special forces... you're golden. Hit the gear.

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