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HI GUYS, Im all new to this forum stuff, I need some info on trenbolone ace end test. 🤔 this would be my first cycle ever, i know allot of poeple would say im crazy to do Tren Ace on my first cycle but i already got the stuff, i need to do allot of research first!! I have 10 ml of tren and 10 ml of test how many should i use weekly and what about pct!!! IM 24 Of age,weight is 80 kg height 1.75m,15% body fat. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

This topic was modified 14 hours ago 2 times by admin

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Shoot it in your dick hole for quicker absorption rate .

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Test what, E C sus? You have your AI and pct ready?

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how long u been lifting ?

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I honestly do not even think you have enough even if its test e

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You answered your own question, you need to do alot of research, this means reading up on AAS on your own. Taking the easy way out by asking a few questions is not going to educate you properly, you're going to get alot of different answers, which aren't really answers, just opinions. Take some responsibility and learn all the facts, you've got time. The fact that you don't even know dosage or aren't prepared for pct suggests to me that you aren't ready. If you're hell-bent on going ahead anyway I wouldn't take anything other than test for your first time..if you have any negative reactions and are on multiple compounds you're not going to know which one is causing the problem. Save the tren for now..Not busting on ya man, just trying to give u some good advice, but it's just my opinions. Good luck. 😉

This post was modified 14 hours ago by admin

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Posted by: @michael

HI GUYS, Im all new to this forum stuff, I need some info on trenbolone ace end test. 🤔 this would be my first cycle ever, i know allot of poeple would say im crazy to do Tren Ace on my first cycle but i already got the stuff, i need to do allot of research first!! I have 10 ml of tren and 10 ml of test how many should i use weekly and what about pct!!! IM 24 Of age,weight is 80 kg height 1.75m,15% body fat. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

This post was modified 14 hours ago 3 times by admin

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Posted by: @lifthvy

You answered your own question, you need to do alot of research, this means reading up on AAS on your own. Taking the easy way out by asking a few questions is not going to educate you properly, you're going to get alot of different answers, which aren't really answers, just opinions. Take some responsibility and learn all the facts, you've got time. The fact that you don't even know dosage or aren't prepared for pct suggests to me that you aren't ready. If you're hell-bent on going ahead anyway I wouldn't take anything other than test for your first time..if you have any negative reactions and are on multiple compounds you're not going to know which one is causing the problem. Save the tren for now..Not busting on ya man, just trying to give u some good advice, but it's just my opinions. Good luck.:winkfinger:

👍 👍 👍 

This post was modified 14 hours ago by admin

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HI GUYS, Im all new to this forum stuff, I need some info on trenbolone ace end test. :thinking: this would be my first cycle ever, i know allot of poeple would say im crazy to do tren ace on my first cycle but i already got the stuff, i need to do allot of research first!! I have 10 ml of tren and 10 ml of test how many should i use weekly and what about pct!!! IM 24 Of age,weight is 80 kg height 1.75m,15% body fat. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

If you think you've given us an appropriate amount of information to help you out, you need to do some more research. Good luck, bro.

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You answered your own question, you need to do alot of research, this means reading up on AAS on your own. Taking the easy way out by asking a few questions is not going to educate you properly, you're going to get alot of different answers, which aren't really answers, just opinions. Take some responsibility and learn all the facts, you've got time. The fact that you don't even know dosage or aren't prepared for pct suggests to me that you aren't ready. If you're hell-bent on going ahead anyway I wouldn't take anything other than test for your first time..if you have any negative reactions and are on multiple compounds you're not going to know which one is causing the problem. Save the tren for now..Not busting on ya man, just trying to give u some good advice, but it's just my opinions. Good luck.:winkfinger:
This. Dont do tren for your first cycle just stick with the basics like Dbol and test and you will see amazing gains definitely for a first time user.

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Read heavy's articles bro. Great first cycle:
500mg test e or C for 12 weeks. Inject 1cc Sunday, Wednesday. AI only if necessary(prob wont need it) keep some aromasin or Arimidex on hand

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Dude, don't run tren on first cycle. I was going to and when I asked around I was recommended by a lot of knowledgable users that tren is not for first cycle use...just hang onto it and run it second cycle. It's not going anywhere as you already have it...
Ad suggested before, read heavy's threads...they are very insightful for new users...

Hope all goes well for you, don't be afraid to use the search bar and see some logs or what other people ran, gets you more familiar with everything.


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Need at least another bottle of each
