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Ordering today, just want to clearify...

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Hey guys, thanks abunch for all the help. I just wanted to clearify everything BEFORE I place my!

I'm 5'7, 170lbs (bf % probably a little high) 26 years old.
I'm trying to pack on at least 10-15lbs QUALITY mass, and strip off some of this unsightly holiday padding...

this is what I've decided on:

Test Prop 150mg EOD
EQ 400mg per week
winny 30-50mg per day
for 8-12 weeks....

This a good cycle?
Gonna place my order later this evening!
Thanks in advance ya'll!


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If I remember correctly you haven't done many or any cycles yet so that should work great for what your looking for. Remember the importance of diet, water and sleep in your program to. You want to eat a high protein, moderate carb low fat diet while taking those. Also get anywhere from 1-2 gallons of fluid a day, you can count coffee and juices to here as long as you dont drink more than 2 cups of coffee a day, then it becomes a diuretic. You should pick up some Milk Thistle to help your liver while on the cycle also.

PS, aren't you going to get any anti estrogens?? clomid at the least, wouldn't be a bad idea to get some Nolvadex to incase if Gyno syptoms. At the very least get some Clomid for post cycle, or you'll crash and lose everything you gained!!!

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Do you take the Eq EOD, or once a week or what?
Can you put the prop and Eq in the same injection?
Are you taking the winstrol orally or injection?

How much are you spending on this cycle?
I'm looking to do the same thing, or very similar...please keep us posted on your gains. Also, are you ordering it online or getting it from a friend. If online, from who? (*note* I don't think it is source posting as long as you just use the name or initials, right?)

Thanks bro.

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Thanks a bunch bro! Nolvadex it is then! I will definately keep you all posted on the gains... Wish me luck!


P.S. Getting it from a friend...


Eminent Member
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Don't forget to pick up that clomid to, its crucial to get if you don't want to crash and lose you gains as the boys have already said.


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First and foremost do not ask for source names and yes that is source posting and some people will get pissed.
You can take EQ and Prop. together in one siringe and if you're using them both I would recommend it. On the other hand EQ can be taken twice a week if you want to.You could do something like this.
EQ Mon. and Thursday 200mgs/day
Prop. Mon. ,Thursday, Saturday though some people will say every third day is not enough. 100mgs/day

I personally would just do it with the Prop. EOD.
400mgs/wk EQ
300mgs/wk Prop.


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right on. How would I go about using the Clomid?


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Run clomid like this:
1 week after last shot

50mgs/day the first week
100mgs/day the second week
50mgs/day the third week

Thats a total of 28 tabs and most people sell a minimum of 30 tabs usually for $1/tab.

One more thing, if you have Prop. you should invest a little money in anti-estrogens like Nolvadex. Prop. aromatises quickly and leaves you testosterone levels unstable and may lead to GYNO!!!
It has been known to put a hurt on some bro's and when I wanted to give Prop. a shot my buddy specifically told me about the chances of gyno. Just watch your ass Nolvadex is cheap and well worth the investment. I will say this about Propionate...the shit is cheap and its a good AAS to make you hard along with EQ!!! Good choice.

