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Opinions ON this cycle

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what do you people think of this cycle for a first timer who is 6" 192lbs (87.5kg) round 15->17%bf (used tanita scale not 100%)

anyways i am wanting to hopefully hit 210 maybe 220lbs staying round they same bf maybe lowering 1->2% if possible.

and was thinking of this cycle

wks 1->10 Test Cyp@ 250mg/wk (can up to 400mg/wk)
wks 1->10 EQ@ 150mg/wk (can up to 200mg/wk)
wks 1->4 Pronabol (Dbol) 15->30 mg/day

what do you people think
on this cycle

i can up these dosages like i said in brackets but i was told by mr Australia 2001 and MR SA that first timers always grow off very little gear he said just take an androgenic and anabolic together and add some dbol in to get the strength reocery and kick start.
what do you boys reckon??



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the guy is right about needing little gear when starting .For me I would go with the D-bol at 20-25 mgs a day for weeks 1-4 .I would run the EQ at 300 mgs a week through out and maybe even up the test dose to the 400 through out.I went with 200 mgs of cyp a week for 10 weeks my first time at age 30 and gained 20 lbs.I really wish I had up the doses a little and seen what could have been

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I like what fina said, but I dont think I'd go over 300mg/week on the cyp for this run. just for fun, how about 300mgs cycp and 300mgs eq a week (maybe only 200mgs eq). remember to spread the eq dose out during the week and finish up with clomid.

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Bump for TG and Fina, both good advise.

Your goals are attainable but you will have to customize you calorie macronutrients to do so. Test and Dbol are known to retain alot of water making you look puffy. Eat alot of clean whole foods and the weight you put on will be solid. Use Arimidex or Nolvadex if you start getting gyno symptoms.

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i actually wanted to take 10mg of nolvadex throughout and then finish up with 10 mg nolvadex 3 weeks after all injections then 10 days or so more of 50 mg clomid maybe 100mg. but i dont have the money i dont think yet anyway for the arimidex. can you keep bloat down effectively with 10mg of nolavdex with 300mg cyp and say 200mg eq and 20mg dbol (pronabols) ??

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I wouldn't take the nolvadex till you start feeling the signs of gyno .Your dose isn't all that high and you might not even have any soreness at all
