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Needle sizes.

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I remeber from my old medic days, hearing that red blood cells can be damaged if drawn through a needle less then 18G and 16G needles and bigger are used only for transfusion. The question is this. Is the hormone(or molecule) of a typical steroidal compound damaged or renedered less effective if drawn up, and or injected with a small needle. (ie 25G or smaller)? I personally think that a 22G is best but I hear a lot about site injections and I wonder about effectivness.

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First thing I have to say is, your Doc is full of crap.

The reason they use larger pins to draw blood is because its easier to do so, not because it will damage the red blood cells.
Blood can last up to 2 months if properly stored.

Using a syringe to draw blood is like using sticks to make fire....totally outdated. Hospitals and medical centers use a aparatus called a "Butterfly". Its a 6-10" plastic tube that has a 25g pin on one side and a 20g pin on the other. The 25g pin goes into the vein and the 20g is inserted into tubes wich are vacum sealed. This vacuum creates a suction making it a breeze to draw blood.

I know these things because there are 2 Rn's in my family and my sister is a Blood Bank Technician.

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If you can draw it up in a pin, you can shoot it and not be concerned about damage to molecules and hormones.
25G seems awful small to me for injections though.
Anyway, how can 2 Rn's be wrong? Thanks.

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Nice 1 B/S

I totally agree with u as u know yr right and i do to! lol
When i went to a clinic a few months ago b 4 i start jabing steriods i was scared shittless of needles.
I had to have a blood test and she showed me everything she was gana do u have it to a 'T'
The butterfly needle was green with a little pin sticking out and clicked a test type of tube on then once filled changed it to another.
after about 5 of those job done

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Woops....sorry about only answering half of your question.
Me and Doctors dont get along.

Any type of oil inj. will be fine using a smaller pin. No harm will come to the molecules or hormones.

I use 25g pins everyday, smooth as butter, just take your time and dont rush it. You could also drop the syringe in warm water for a few minutes to thin out the oil before injecting(this will not harm the gear either).

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DR.Bacardi! Man your up on your notes way to go bro! I think that we should give you a DR.Degree from the Freak-Zone! Realy , no bullshit! You need to change your name!!:cool:

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Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 211

Thanks for the props, PC and Gana.

From now on, you guys can call me any of these:
Dr. 'Cardi
Dr.Ghetto Fabulous (Bling Bling!)LOL

Ill tell you one thing, If I were a doctor, Id write all my brothers and sisters at Freakz free prescriptions for HGH and Gear...Fo'Sho!!
