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need advice from primo only users.

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I am 31 165lbs 15% BF training for 7 years on/off.

1)looking at a primo only cycle 6-8 weeks @ 50mg/day.
1st 2 weeks 25 mg/day
last 4 to 6 , 50 mg/day.
is that a good spread or should I stick to 50mg ed the whole time?
has anyone noticed hair loss? I ve read many posts and a few say yes, but the majority say no!

2)another cycle is the var only.
40mg ed
for 10 to 12 weeks.
any sides here that I should worry about?

for PCT I have clomid, I read a post that recommeneded 100mg ed for 1 week. the 50mg ed for 3 weeks. I will be taking it 1 day after my last tab.

I will be taking tribulus 2k to 3k during the cycle along with milk thistle.

Now, I ve looked at many primo posts, some date from 2001, so if you are gonna tell me to read read read, save your time and energy from typing those words. I am also following up an anvar only post ( no mention of sides there) so any HELPFULL info would be apreciated as I am a novice and this will be my 1st time. I wanna make sure that I have everything covered. If I do enjoy the results, then I will hit the amps.


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I didn't know Primo came in an oral version. You said you've been on & off for 7 years; how long have you been consistant this time? Why the off time?

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Acually two companies that I found here offer the tab version, LA pharma and GB (primobolic). both offer 25mg tabs 50 & 30 respectively.

AS for my training habits, I usually hit the gym hard from Jan to april, summer I usually travel with work, short assignements, so its mainly maintenance training while I am away and when I am back home. Right now I've been in Thailand for the past 2 months, my hotel has a crappy gym where the heaviest dumbells are 40lbs! so I try to get the most done + push ups pull ups and whatever I can get done in terms of swimming and using the machines available.
I should be back home in Nov, which leaves me a good 6 months straight.

Now would you have answers for me?


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I've used primo a couple of times but never by itself. I've never known anyone to use those compounds by themselves. In my opinion you don't have much to worry about. Those are the safest AAS out there from what I understand. There is no way to predict if you'll have noticable side effects. as far as the way you want to take them. it is about how I took them but with a couple of other things included. if you start taking them and you notice things that make you worry stop taking it. the thing you have to remember is that not everyone reacts the same on this stuff.

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Primo tabs have been around for a long time. They are not C-17 alkylated, so they are not liver toxic. Due to this reason, I would recommend taking 100mg to 150mg per day due to the fact that much will be lost during the 1st pass through the liver. This is the same reason why if someone were taking oral Testosterone(Andriol) they would need to take a handful everyday in order to illicit the desired results. In addition, I would recommend taking some low dose of Testosterone per day, whether injectable or Andriol, as the Primo can shut down your natural test production and you may have a hard time getting an erection. Unless you are married and don't do that sort of thing anymore because the honeymoon is over! LoL (Had to throw that in there.) You could even substitute proviron tabs for the Test in order to keep everything working in the downstairs department, but I firmly believe that Test, even a small amount, should be included in every cycle.

Here is a good read:

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Thanks DbolMAn, I do have a GF and would prefer to be functional. I read about proviron on the same site you have posted above.
I will look into your suggestion, stacking provi and primo then add clomid at the end. was my 6-8 weeks cycle enough time to see results?

I should have mentioned that I wanted my 1st cycle to be mild, to see how my body reacts before going to injects. should I maybe stick to the Anavar cycle instead, seems that taking primo + prov might be a little harsh on the liver! and I did want a one cycle only to begin with.

thanks again,

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Primobolan oral is better than inject, hence the price, both are very good though, but oral is the better. i think its only better because of no injections though I dont think it does anything else differently. But to me personally no shot is a + always.

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Primo tabs have been around for a long time. They are not C-17 alkylated, so they are not liver toxic. Due to this reason, I would recommend taking 100mg to 150mg per day due to the fact that much will be lost during the 1st pass through the liver. This is the same reason why if someone were taking oral Testosterone (Andriol) they would need to take a handful everyday in order to illicit the desired results. In addition, I would recommend taking some low dose of Testosterone per day, whether injectable or Andriol, as the Primo can shut down your natural test production and you may have a hard time getting an erection. Unless you are married and don't do that sort of thing anymore because the honeymoon is over! LoL (Had to throw that in there.) You could even substitute Proviron tabs for the Test in order to keep everything working in the downstairs department, but I firmly believe that Test, even a small amount, should be included in every cycle.

Here is a good read:

Bumping all of this but the shut down part, 100mg of primo will not make a dent in your naturals. not sure about past that but 50-100mg per day is bb recommended. I think your thinking of another compound with a similar name. as primo is known for not turning anything off, but also gains are very very sloe slow and you do keep all of them, but its really only a bit more than natural. you can enhance this with adding in same var at 40-60mg per day, so A good cycle of primobolan oral and anavar oral, would look like this depending on your use. 50mg var 50 mg primo, for 3-5 months, blood work done every 2-4 weeks to be safe, but you will really only need to keep an eye on cholesterol levels, and high blood pressure from bad cholesterol levels, once this starts dump both compounds and pct with trib tongkat ali and zink you should be golden, if you feel your nuts shrank even a little then pct normally with hcg and novel. But i do not recommend anyone take roids with out a script so get s script for your doc bro. but thats what i would do, if i was a Thai lander. But up to you I ahve some caps right now in my draw that are 50 mg primo 100mg var 25mg provirion 100mg clomid 25 mg noveldex, and mixed into trib tonkat ali powder, horse pills really, but 1 per day pct and gain since its really a bridge than a pct but nuts turn back on full every time with them no clue why but they do, and i get strong, but I lose the strength every time i stop taking them and that always sucks!

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AK what do you mean by script?
you also mentioned HCG and nolva, is Clomid ok since it is in the same category? or should I get my hands on the previous 2?

3-5 months...I was thinking 2 max

and Wow, thats one hell of a's the liver !

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Hmm. The lab results I've seen show that a single injection of primo at 200mg is enough to damn near shut ya down... and test levels don't completely recover for another 4-6 weeks post injection. There is nothing out there that you can use that won't shut you down... there's gonna be some inhibition of endogenous testosterone production no matter what. Here's the rule of thumb... if it's enough to make ya grow, it's enough to shut ya down.

Next... proviron won't do shit for the sex drive. It binds up SHBG very well... but has very little affinity for the androgen receptor... and causes no gene expression at the androgen receptor either. SHBG normally binds up 90some odd percent of the androgens in your bloodstream. Proviron simply allows serum androgen levels to rise far beyond normal. This is good because so much more of your gear will be available for use instead of just being bound up and then metabolized. Without testosterone to do what testosterone does... it doesn't matter. If all ya got it primo flowin thorugh ya... proviron doesn't do ya any good.

I firmly agree that the base of any cycle should be testosterone. I think that you're much better off using testosterone than any other AAS personally. That is what your body was designed to use... and it's what fuels the machinery best. If you're worried about side effects, run a good anti-aromatase (but don't go overboard because you don't want to completely eliminate estrogen... it's there for a reason after all), run a light dose of finasteride and do plenty of cardio. That's it. Nice n simple. I'd throw in some rALA to help with insulin sensitivity... and it's a great antioxidant. Follow up with tamoxifen not clomiphene for PCT. Done and done.

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he dont want to inject, he is going all orals, and every thing I have ever read about oral primo was that only very high doses effected your levels to a degree that it mattered, And if he was to run 25-50mg orally ed, that would not be enough to make a dent in his own production at all, especially if he runs trib tongkat ali zink with it, He could run some hcg and clomid if he wanted to as there is always some hormone imbalance after taking any drug... I ran Primo all by its self with proviron and trib tongcat ali and zink and my test levels were perfect when i came off of the cycle, but to tell you the truth primo is good and you will keep all the gains, but it so small of a gain you probably wont even notice it. Now if you were to run injectable primo depo, at 800mg per week then you would make some nice gains, but you then will need to do a small pct. I dont think you can run the oral this high as it would cost to much. But if you really want to go just orals then make a stack and remember you probably going to need to take clomid novel dex trib and tongkat ali zink to pct with, after this stack.
anavar 50mg per day 2-4 weeks then 75mg per day 2 months
primo oral 50mg per day 2 weeks then 100mg per day 2 months
proviron 25mg per day for 1 month after cycle as well.
clomid/noveldex stack or one or the other. I think both drugs come out of your body within a few day, but i am not sure, but this is probably correct, so you would start your clomid/novel dex the day after you take your last pill, not including the proviron as your going to run this through 1 month of the pct. I would take the clomid noveldex for 30 days min. If you wanted to make some even better gains and still be only oral you can get some turanabol, its like a anavar who wants to be a d-bal but just could not cutt the mustard. You could just add it to the stack, but i dont know at what mg as I have never used the stuff before. And when your not scared of needles take Tadgers advice:), as he is right bro. Test is really cool stuff, but I also would not take any test if i was you as you probably are not going to run steroids much in your life right? committing to test is a life changing event and you really need to know what your doing to inject yourself, it can be deadly... My little oral stack not including the turanabol will get you to gain 10-20lbs of lean hard muscle if your diet is spot on and your training is top notch, and if your not at your max potential as well already:). but i am guessing your body is just wanting to grow. have fun there is a ton of good advice in this thread none better than the other in anyway. have fun and let us know what you plan on doing before you do it bro.

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oh script means prescription. From a doctor.

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Cannot aquire any primo here (Thailand), its a 1 week wait and I am going back home soon 🙁
but I was able to et my hands on var 12 weeks worth and Winny combo of injects which I have back home + tabs from here, 6 weeks worth.
+ nolva .

thans for the advice, but I'll stick to the original plan, 6 weeks winny only cycle take a break the 12 week var only cycle.

now how to get this stuff back home *Hummmmm*!!! lol I was a compulsive shopper and it finaly hit me that I might not even be able to use it if it gets stuck in customs. disguizing them as vitamins or cough medecine and take them with me is an option but I am trying not to even think about that.

why is life so difficult! I am gonna go visit a hot thai, clear my thoughts;)

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thans for the advice, but I'll stick to the original plan, 6 weeks winny only cycle take a break the 12 week var only cycle. 😉

Flip flop these. You want to run the milder cycle first, your body can build up a tolerance.

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oh? I thought you did not want to do injectable? If your doing that keep the var but get some EQ deca test primo inject prop test enanthate test, buy them and just mail them to your house more than likely it will make it there, just kinda stash it in something. I swear you said you did not want to use injects on one of your posts. If I new you was going to inject i would have just bumped tadger's advice bro.

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