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My First Cycle

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Here we go let see some flames cause I know most will diagree, who know this may end up doing nothing and be a learning experience.

Currently I am around 225lbs at 6'4 with 12bf%? Can see abs, but there is some fat around mid section. Trying to get some pics up.

First 2 weeks
50mg Tren EOD 100mg on First day
50mg Dbol per day
50mg clomid per day 300mg day 1
.25mg Arim per day, (I have no desire to be bloated)

Next 2 weeks
20 mg Anavar in morn
10g Creatine per day
50mg Clomid
Then clean for at least four weeks

I plan on doing this twice before summer and hope on getting 10lbs of lean mass and getting my main lifts up qiute a bit, maybe 50lbs over 2 cycles. I am 20 years old, almost 21 and have been lifting for 5 years, 3 very hard, main gains lately have not been great and want to get through this hump. I am well aware that once I cross that line I will most likely not go back for a while and am well ware of what i am getting into and have been around this board for almost a year. I am planning with the short cycle because I would rather ease my body into this and take my time getting a few pound here and there, I think the gains will be easier to hold that way. I also don't want to be to used to be on, and then suffer mental withdrawl.


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I think you could save some $$$ and still get the desired effect by cutting the Clomid down to 10mg after the first day or two. When you get close to the end, the day of or the day after your last stick, kick it up to 50mg for a day or two, again, and cut it back down to 10 mg for a 7-10days. This should keep your nuts from shrinking and rid your body of that pesky Estrogen.

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With the particular clomid I am using 10mg would be a little hard but 25mg is easy to do. Sounds like a good idea.


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When i think about it I probably don't need to load up on the clomid if I am going to be taking arim as well.

I was also thinking of loading up on the dbol as well, what are the opinions of that, 100mg the first day.


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100mg sounds like a lot. Just about a month ago some one from here tried to front load his D-bol and ended up getting ill effects right away. I think his blood pressure went way up and he kept getting nose bleeds. I don't know from experience, but it might not be worth the risks.

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Thanks for the tip bro, just was throwing out there, I really don't think its nessesary, just wanted to hear some opinions.


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The basic premise behind this is that if you have a longer acting, long half life aas, and you take an even dose, not much is available early on, as it takes time for ester's to be broken off etc. So if you frontloaded EQ for example, more would be available to bind to your receptors sooner, allowing for gains to begin sooner.

Know everything about an aas before you put it in you body! Dbol has a short half life. I believe it is something in the range of 4 hours.... Theoretically you should take your doses spread throughout the day to give you the most even blood levels, as opposed to deca, which has a half life of like 2 weeks, so you don't need to inject ed or eod, you can just shoot once per week.

There is absolutely positivley no need to frontload dbol. Infact it is a bad idea......

So you are taking clomid every day? Why take 300 mg clomid the first day of your cycle? Also, what are you trying to accomplish? If you are going for a hard look, why even take dbol, why not winny? The bloat from dbol is beneficial to growth. The Arimidex will eliminate that. Interesting cycle scheme.... not sure what I think of it.....

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This cycle sceme is based of the 2 on 4 off case study by Bill Roberts.
The cycle I have outlined is almost the same, except with arim instead of cytadren. I don't want to be fooling around with my cortisol, also arim is more easily obtained. I understand the idea with front loading and now of the half lives of the orals, dbol being one of the shorter while anavr and winstrol are of the longer orals.

I didn't really see any point in front loading the dbol, just throwing it out there. The idea behind the clomid front loading is that according to Bill Roberts in another article it takes about two days for clomid to get in your system, hence the front loading. Also the reason behind the 2 weeks that it allows for a quicker recovery of natural testoterone, and less time between cycles.


This post was modified 3 years ago by admin
