winny and test-p! great gains , no sides for me! get the same results as tren ace/test-p without wanting to hurt people or grinding my teeth
test prop then var then npp
I love tren, just not how crazy it makes me
For sure, Test n Tren!
test and tren but it really depends on what you are looking to do.
test should be a stable of every cycle
and tren is the best all around steriod avail, hands down.
Gotta go with masteron; that is, Drostanolone Di-Propionate. Amazing ability to retain LBM while drastically reducing caloric intake. Strength gains can continue while BF drops and muscles harden. Similar to Halotestin in that my definition just seems so much more pronounced while on Mast but without the harshness on the liver that the 17a/a oral Halo presents. Further, IMO there is virtually no need for an AI while running Mast due to its anti-estrogen type of activity. A real nice compound if used under the right circumstances at the right dose.
Shit, what's not to like?!...
Gotta go with masteron; that is, Drostanolone Di-Propionate. Amazing ability to retain LBM while drastically reducing caloric intake. Strength gains can continue while BF drops and muscles harden. Similar to Halotestin in that my definition just seems so much more pronounced while on Mast but without the harshness on the liver that the 17a/a oral Halo presents. Further, IMO there is virtually no need for an AI while running Mast due to its anti-estrogen type of activity. A real nice compound if used under the right circumstances at the right dose.
Shit, what's not to like?!...
I loved the all what you said and the insane increase in libido. Add to that no sides less some acne, could have been from the test for all I know, so I love masteron and will run it many times over.
good call on the test
Oral: M1T
Inject: Test/Tren I do not run test alone.
test is best but other then that I gotta agree with bigbird, Masteron is my new love
masteron is on my to try list.