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liquidex post cycle

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hey i started liquidex at .5ml a day and have about 10 weeks left in my cycle of 500mg sus a week

my question is after the last inj do you still need to take liquidex since sus stays in your system for 3-5 weeks

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Most Pct is started 2 wks after last injection. Are you using that for Pct or something else? clomid; Nolvadex HCG ?
So basicly just take it till you start PCT.

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im going to run clomid for pct nolva im running now and will continue to until pct is over
also going to start running tribulus

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If you're using Liquidex as well as Nolva throughout your cycle, as your post implies, you're beating a dead horse...

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what do you mean beating a dead horse
do you mean im overdoing it combining the two

i started taking the nolva as soon as i started getting gyno symptoms and didnt find out about liquidex until after i was on nolva for about a week
i knew of Arimidex but heard liquidex was the shit so i ordered some of that

im down to 20mg nolva a day now and 1/2ml ldex

for my next cycle i know now to take ldex from the get go until i start pct

heres another question for iroc swole or ne1 else who can answer

since i dont feel any more gyno symptoms should i get off the nolva and continue the ldex
since i am prone to gyno keep with the 20mg a day with .5ml ldex until pct and then quit the ldex and up the nolva to 60/week 40/week then 20/week

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Yeah, by beating a dead horse I was implying that...well, yeah... Nolva is an anti-e (anti-estrogen) while liquidex is for anti-e and anti-gyno. Normally you don't take Nolva in addition to liquidex, but depending on how sensitive you are you may have to take both. I got my liquidex about 3 weeks into my cycle, bloated as hell (Test/Deca/Dbol), so I did a week of .5ml ED but now I'm doing .25ml ED. Once you've done a week at .5ml ED you ought to try a week at .25ml ED to see if it keeps the bloat away and no gyno symptoms pop up. As with gear, there's no sense in taking more than the smallest effective dose. BUT, then again, if you're still having gyno symptoms with l-dex alone, I think I've heard of some people having to take 10-20mg of Nolva ED along with their l-dex at .25ml or .5ml ED. Everybody's different- see what works for you.
