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kalpa test e vs dragon pharms test c

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hi have made a few posts here or replied to others threads about pip from the kalpa pharms test e currently on my 7th wk of 12 wk cycle .from my experience with this brand every shot i took brought on pretty severe pip even after 6 wks .. i listened to those with more experience sharing there opinion about virgin muscle ,bad technique while pinning to out right just being a pussy . i deceided to try another brand and type ,so i went with dragon pharms test c did my first pin yesterday in quad ,which with the kalpa would leave me limping for days .. so i did a shot 250 mg test c dragon pharms and today no pain at all , did anyone hear that no pain at all . i was actually very surprised . i will say the kalpa test e was gtg blood test after 5 wks came back with test greater than 1500 and have been using kalpa Arimidex also .5 eod and estradol was at 44 so there products are good . i guess i just had negative reaction to there test e . i will continue with the test c and do blood work after 4 to 5 wks which will be the end of this cycle . just wanted to share my experience . thank you

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I'm on kalpa test c EQ and prop and no pain except the prop has little pain but that how most prop is.I think you prob.have a reaction from kslpa oil.

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Seems that alot of people having a "reaction" to kalpa's stuff lately.
