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Is 18 Too Young To Start???

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Whatsup guys I hav been coming here for almost a year now and i have leanred a lot about training, supplements and drugs.

My question is that am i too young to start using AS? I mean what would the difference be if did it now or 2 years from now?

The reason i want to start taking them is because i believe i have suppressed my Testosterone levels by taking andro back when i knew nothing about that crap.

I know a lot about training and steroids. I have been training for two years. I eat right, sleep, and supplement correctly. I am just tired of seeing my friends who have just started lifting blowing up off creatine and protein. What do you guys think?

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if i were you i'd wait a couple years. at 18 you still have pretty high test levels. abuse of andro may have caused your nuts to shrink up, but get some tribulus terrestris and take that until the bottles empty. should get you going again.

if you've been working out for 2 years, you probably still have quite a bit of growing left before you hit your limit. try upping your protein intake by another 50 grams or so... increase you calorie intake, and get at least a gallon of water a day.

change up your lifting routine every few weeks and lift heavy.

starting at 18 could cause problems with premature fusing of your growthplates, as well as problems with your natural hormonal levels...

you'll probably get the same response from most guys here (that its in your best intrest to wait a few more years) but if you are still hell-bent on doing it now let us know so we can set u up with something that will be safe and effective.

g'luck to you

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First of all, I HIGHLY doubt that Andro suppressed your natural test production. The conversion factor of that wonderful supplement is 5%...which means you'd need 20 times the recommended dosage to see any kinds of suppression in test levels. My guess is you could not afford $500/month in Andro and thats about what it would take. You could get GH for that much. In my opinion, its all in your head. No offense, but Andro is pure shit. I bought two bottles of Nor-Testin from MuscleTech about two years ago...I got through one bottle and sold the second one because it SUCKED and was a complete waste of money for me. Take Creatine, eat tons, and train will make gains. 18yrs old is too young to start saucing IMO. Diet is by far the most important thing to focus on.
If you're not taking in enough protein, don't expect to make gains since it is the building block for building muscle. I think too many people are just lazy and want to see crazy results in a minimal amount of time. Not saying this is your case bro, but building muscle takes YEARS not weeks or even months. If you half ass your training, then that could be another factor. There's a lot of variables you may want to pay closer attention to and I don't think hitting the sauce should be your way out. One more thing, dude if you were here for almost a year....why did you ask that question in the first place???? Have you not done any research? I must have seen at least 100 posts since I joined last May about juicing before the age of 21 and the answer has always been the, you should wait. Your test levels don't start coming down until that time. Just some things to think about. Take care.


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Hey lil' bro, Don't be in such a rush, take some time to build a foundation and put in some serious time and natural muscle, before taking on the juice
you'll be glad in the long run if you wait.....and I must say i'm very proud of the Bro's out there that responded in the same way as I have....there are a lot of lil bro's out juicing and for most it will not be a good thing in the long run!

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Glad people got to this before I did.... 😀

18 is TOO Young! Mmmmmkay?!

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😀 18 is too young, gotta bump the bros on this one:D

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that's what I was thinkin TS.....

the short version.....YES, you are waaay too young.

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yes alot of people say 18 is too young but i know 3 guys who did cycles back in highschool and also the men i talk to on these anabolic boards that used in high school siad they do not regret it at all and that they would do it agian, if your not worried about the juice supressing your bone growth in length not width then i would not worry about it and would do a cycle. IMO

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Yeah... but I'll bet those guys aren't in their 40's or 50's as of yet are they?

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yeah no shit i started at 20 and i think i fucked up, so bear that in mind. I should have waited but by the time i'd taken a breath and realized it was too early i was too late. Just're a testosterone factory right now and can blow up off of good diet and creatine (or just good diet).


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Lots of good advice here. Wait at least a couple of more years, train hard, eat right and build that base. Right now your body produces a huge amount of test and I doubt that you are any where near your max potential. Use these years to instill discipline, work ethic and good training habits. Then, when you have all that down, you can add in a little juice and just blow the hell up.

I know that it is hard to wait, but it will be worth it. Train for the long term. That way, you can live the lifestyle, healthy, happy and huge for many years to come.

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I appreciate all of your responses. I have learned in the past that 18 was too young, but i honestly feel that i am not making the gains that 90% of my friends are making who dont know SH*T about training and eating right.

I feel in my honest opinion that i do everything the best i can. I am dedicated to my training and i make sure all the factors are right LOTS of protein and sleep and supplements such as glutamine, creatine, protein, and vitamins.

If it wasnt that andro that did this, could i just have naturally low test levels? If AS is out of the question could clomid or tribulus bring my test levels up a bit?

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It sounds like you might have just hit a plaeteau(sp) chnge somethig up in your training routine, for example intensity, supersets, exercises, ect...ect...ect.... possibly even take a week or 2 off of weight training, then come back into it with a new attitude that you are going to grow or everything possible before you go and stick yourself with the juice bro....

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and, you can try some tribulus, that should do something as far as test levels go

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I don't know if you have a good one or not, but a partner that pushes you, a little comp will help you bring up your game. I was right where you were a few years ago but I took some at 20 and have noticed when i get off of them it is alot harder for me to be as intense as I was when I was natural. And I really don't take that much. Just find a gym with some big freaks, hangout with them and let them teach you, try power lifting that really helped me gain some size and strenght. Then you will eat more because you are hungry and then you will grow. Wait until you are at least 22 to 24 you could just be a late bloomer like me, then when you do take some, holly freaking cow batman you will blow up like a whale and keep most of it because of a good base you have been building for a few years! Good luck and just keep training hard bro...


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