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I'll let you guys build my cycle.

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Ok Dudes, so here's something new.... I'm going to let you guys build my cycle. So to start, I'll tell you what I've got and my goals and we'll go from there. So I'm looking to gain a very little but tighten everything up over the course of 12-14 weeks. I have 10 vials of 10ml each of all the injectables listed. This will be my first time using HGH and IGF-1Lr3 so I am looking for some insight to incorporate those two also. ONE THING THOUGH, I do want to include NPP(I've only used deca) because of my right elbow which isn't too bad, I just liked deca so much I wanted to try NPP.

Test Prop, Test C, Primo,masteron, NPP

(Growth Hormone)
Anosomne hgh -100iu's, yellow tops, -100iu's, Hygetropin, -200iu's, IGF-1Lr3 5mg

50mg/tab Kalpa Winny, 50mg/tab Dragon Pharm Anavar

HCG, clomid, anastrozle, Letro, Nolva, Cabaser

I also have T3, T4, clen, albuterol, Injectable B-complex, and B-12.

So here it is. if any of you want to take a shot(no pun) then I'm game. by the way, I will be taking my blood before the first day, week 6 and week 12. Let's just say, I will be going all out on this cycle. 😀

I'm looking for any input.

This topic was modified 4 days ago by admin

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DAMN. That's a good collection right there. It would help if you listed out your height/weight, bf%, lifts and previous cycles though if you want people to put together/suggest cycles.

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Posted by: @rainier

DAMN. That's a good collection right there. It would help if you listed out your height/weight, bf%, lifts and previous cycles though if you want people to put together/suggest cycles.

LOL, RAINier, your right, I totally forgot to list my stats. I know this seems like a stupid post but I was just wanting to look at it from a complete different perspective.


Height: 6'1
Weight: 234
BF: 14% (only because I just did a sixer in Afghanistan and we had the shittiest food a man can eat) Where I was, we had to eat with weapons loaded bro.
Exp: 14 years
#cycles: 6
Body type ( Basketballer turned bodybuilder. haha)

Never had any exp. using hgh or Igf-1Lr3 but I got em and am really waiting to give it a try. I'll be home for 16 weeks and won't be working. eat, lift, fuck, sleep.

We did some hardcore shit over their and was looking to incorporate NPP into my cycle because of the stress that was put on my joints.

Thanks man, Like I said, any feedback would be greatly appreciated:D

This post was modified 4 days ago by admin

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Good Luck with your cycle bro.

dragon pharma store

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1-4 Test Prop
1-14 Test C
1-10 NPP
1-5 Winny
9-16 Var
1-16 GH 5iu ED
HCG 500iu 2x/wk
1-12 Caber .5mg 2x/wk


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Posted by: @sloppyj

1-4 Test Prop
1-14 Test C
1-10 NPP
1-5 Winny
9-16 Var
1-16 GH 5iu ED
HCG 500iu 2x/wk
1-12 Caber .5mg 2x/wk


See, That's why I was asking for opinions. Thanks SloppyJ. I had something different in mind but I really like the idea of adding the winny first and then the var later. I've never done it that way

This post was modified 4 days ago by admin

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I'm on a cut right now and I added in var at the end. I'm almost out 🙁

It worked out really well. I enjoy taking something while the long esters clear anyway.

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Interesting, I would have suggested running the winny last. Is this a cut cycle or bulk btw? I'm guessing cut because of the winny and var, but not a lot of people have GH in their cut cycles.

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This is more of a lean mass and cut cycle. As for the GH part of cycle, I know it's not used allot in cut cycles but was going to just do it anyway. Keep up the suggestions though. I'm still down for ideas.

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running the winny last is always best

dragon pharma store

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I'm on a cut right now and I added in var at the end. I'm almost out 🙁

It worked out really well. I enjoy taking something while the long esters clear anyway.

Did you get the chance to take advantage of ek's email sale?

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Interesting, I would have suggested running the winny last. Is this a cut cycle or bulk btw? I'm guessing cut because of the winny and var, but not a lot of people have GH in their cut cycles.

I'm also running winny with my var. :p

IMO, GH in this cut cycle is single handedly the best compound that I am running. I believe that I wouldn't have gotten half of the results without it. GH and T3 together make a POTENT combo.

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that they do

dragon pharma store

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I'm also running winny with my var. :p

IMO, GH in this cut cycle is single handedly the best compound that I am running. I believe that I wouldn't have gotten half of the results without it. GH and T3 together make a POTENT combo.


What's your daily dose gh and T3? and what's your current cycle right now if you don't mind me asking...
