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Originally posted by bajamark
I had my Doc right up a scripp for 50mg of gel 4 times a day. They had no problem with it.

I think I'm going to start dividing my test cream 2 times a day kinda like you. Instead of 1 dose in the morning.

I'm on 100 mg QD. Maybe somthing like:

50 mg morning

50 mg before workout

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I usually put the cream on my inner thigh away from my nuts or on my shoulder.

I was told to try it under my arms.

Are you using test from a compound pharmacy or regular drug store. I found the compound pharmacy cream much better at getting my test levels in the higher range.

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I was able to get my doc to prescribe depot when I told him I was worried about my wife being exposed to the gel.. he switched me to enath on the spot..

I started with patches and feel they were 10x's more effective than the gel but really wanted a script for depot.. first time I complained about the patches falling off I was given the gel.. tried that for a month and found it to be pretty worthless..

next step is to get doc to up the script to 200mg/week.. then maybe I'll see about gh..

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I hope you can get your doc. to prescrib the GH for you. When I'm not on the GH my joints always hurt.

If you do get a script for the GH, I have found Genotropin to be the best.

I'm taking 6 IU Mon-SAT with Sun off. If your ins. is covering your T, I bet they will cover the GH.

My ins. won't cover the T but will cover the GH, I'm not going to complain.......

Good Luck

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