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Anybody on HRT program and if so how long and what are you taking?

I've been on HRT for about 18 months. Right now I'm taking 6 iu GH (6 on 1 off) /75 mg Test (cream) QD/HCG/ and femara twice a week. I'm going to add a low dose of deca for a while and see how that works. The FEMARA lowerd my HDL so I will be changing that to Arimidex.

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I was on Cyp 200mgs every 14 days per script, but my insurance changed, and now I have to start all over again.

I just run BL cyp on my own.

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My insurance company covered the gh but would not cover the test or hcg....go figure!
My job is changing ins. company's March 2004.

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Shit bro, test is cheaper than HGH, you got it made. BL is better than Test depo anyway....more

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LOL....I could not believe it when I submitted my prescriptions to my pharmacy. The lady stated, "Sir, your insurance won't cover the Test/HCG/Femara but they will cover the Genotropin" (GH). Go figure..........?????

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I would have no problems putin' out the cash for test if my ins. co. wanted to spring for the GH!!!:beerc

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How do you approach your Doc to get therapy?
I tried and all I got was 60 days of some creme that was covered under my Ins, but then he would not prescribe more.


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My primary care doc. just wanted me to to take test inj or the cream and knew nothing about HCG or Femara so I decided to see a HRT/TRT doc.

Unless your test levels are low I think it would be hard to find a primary care doc. that will put you HRT.

This link is not the doctor I use but I have read and heard a lot of good things about him.

I hope this helps.

Take Care,

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I had a list of problems with my health, had no clue as to why. I had been seeing my doctor regularly and we were getting nowhere. I had all sorts of blood work done, and still had no clue that all my problems were related.

I began to do lots, and I mean lots of research. I have posted a good bit of it here. One day it dawned on me that while on cycle, I did not have most of my problems.....

I focused my research on TRT, and low natural test levels. I quickly seen that all my problems were known symptoms of this problem.

I approached my doctor about getting a blood test to check my test levels. I played dumb, let him figure it out. He then told me to do some of my own research, gave me some sies to check, and then we began the process of TRT.

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Good post....

I did some ASS in college while playing football. I didn't do much and only for about two years while cycling on and off during football season.

When I hit 34 yoa I started feeling bad and had a panic attack. Man.....I thought something was seriously wrong with me. My primary care doctor ran all kind of test and could not figure out why I was so tired all the time.

When I turned 36 years of age my doctor finally wanted to check my test levels. Needless to say the were LOW. After my first inj. of test I have never felt better with no panic attacks.

I guess the reason I'm saying all this is, I bet there are a lot of men that have the same symptoms like you or I but have never had their test levels checked.

It's a bitch with low test levels.


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I agree totally.

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Gunz, Slammer, KJB -
Those are my symptoms exactly!, and for years now. Went to my physician years ago and had a serum test done & my test was low - around 200 and something. Doc pleaded that it was perfectly normal but I knew something was not right. Got 30 days of a gel and began to feel somewhat better. Had another serum test and my Testosterone level had shot up to 600 or better. After much begging I got another 30 days of the gel and continued to improve. Had a 3rd test, testosterone levels remained steady, but doc refused more gel. So now I'm right back where I started - moody, bummed-out, never feeling rested.
Would you guys suggest another physician?

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I would.

It never hurts to get a second opinion or maybe

Take Care,

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One option that has worked for many is to contact Womens international Pharmacy. They keep a list of Docs that will help patients do the therapy. They are really fast since they are in the USA. They require scripps but they do have some of the lowest prices as they are a compounding pharmacy.
I had my Doc right up a scripp for 50mg of gel 4 times a day. They had no problem with it.
Free shipping and only $34.00
They will fill injects also.

Many Docs are specializing in geriatric patients. I have found them the most receptive.

Hope this helps. As they are domestic.

They will send out packets on HRT for men and have a toll free number.

Yeah its called Womens IP but who cares what the name is.
They do take many insurances but I find that there are not many that will cover this real medical concern???

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