tried a search but its under the 4 character min. length. so i figured i'd just ask. how would you rate it? the 200mg/ml stuff(not sure if there is any other). lets say against fort dodge and ultragan? and against Geneza? i know his tabs are great, but haven't heard any feedback on the eq. so, lets hear it.
thanks bros
I have some on the way myself... so I'm a bit curious as well. Give me a few weeks and I'll let ya know how it's doin for me... heh heh heh.
i'm using it right now...and so far i like it
Haven't heard to many bad things about his eq?
hey beast, how much and how long you been runnin' it so far?
vein, i'm with you. i also haven't really heard any feedback yet.
I have some on the way as well!
Its good stuff and unlike his Test, its painless.
I like to use 600mg a week.......a know a few who use more.
i'm using it in my cycle right now (i'm in the 5th week)..been running it at 500mg (for a total of 10wks @ same dosage).....has me so hungry that i 'm always waking up in the middle of the night to eat...the other night i woke up and must have started eating a protien bar cause when i woke up about an hour later to piss i was cuddled up with half a protien'll have you hungry 24/7......other than that it has got me extremely vascular..i can see viens running across my back, traps, all through my legs...and IMO that's good considering i'm stacking it with D-bol (naps) and cyp (ip)...i just stopped the naps on sunday and will throw in winny tabs(ip) in 2wks from no complaints about dragon pharma's gear here..especially for the price!
I loved it and I've used most of the others!!!!
knew i asked this question at right place. not that i've heard anything bad, just not much at all. thanks. gonna give it try.