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how much windrol???

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something also to think about, is that your muscles also require a certain amount of testosterone to maintain, so if your body in its natural state isnt delivering enough, then you will shed muscle until you become level again. since you build muscle while on an elevated testosterone level, dipping well below that will cause you to lose the muscle. that's why its vital to make sure your body is producing its own testosterone again after a cycle (when its been supressed). when you dont get your nuts up and running again (or too late) that is when you see people crash and lose everything they've gained.

on the water issue, just another thought from me, that some drugs (like anadrol) promote water retention. so even though you think you've gained 15 pounds (for example) 5 of that might be water, so when you are no longer taking a drug that promotes water retention and your body sheds it, you think you "lost muscle" because of it. dbol is notorious for this.

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Very solid info from the bros.

BTW....for those who do no know CHANGELING, he is 6 foot 6, 425 lbs. 3%, and Green. He runs around in with no shirt on, pants torn to hell, barefoot. He does all sorts of good deeds, but for some reason is misunderstood, when he flips over a car to save a child, people think that is is nuts and is roid raged to hell.

Sorry to let the cat out of the bag Change

slam:lol :lol

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Why, I do believe I have recieved my answer. Good show, Freakz.

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lmao! Cangeling Banner. Don't make me angry, you won't like me when I am angry! Grrrrrrrrrrr!

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sup everybody..finally got my account activated....however I have ordered from BL and still nothing, I know I know be patient right? it has been over a week...and I too am waiting on my windrols...and I hope to get them this week, will be taking 1 a day for 4 weeks...hope to see good results!!!!

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